Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community. Various filters are provided to gain a better understanding of how different UNO units collaborate with the community.

Project Project Focus Areas Community Partners Campus Partners Engagement Type: Activity Type: Other Activity Type: Start Semester: Start Academic Year: End Semester: End Academic Year: Total UNO Students: UNO Students Hours: UNO Faculty/Staff Hours: Total K-12 Students: K-12 Student Hours: Total Number of Other Participants: Topics: Other Topics: Description: Subtags:
Zoo Project (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Environmental Stewardship Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium, Our Lady of Lourdes Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 14 119 0 21 866 0 Wildlife/Animal Welfare Jay Pratte's UNO Animal Behavior Lab worked with 8th grade OLL science students. Students observed animals at Henry Doorly Zoo and did additional research regarding the issue the zoo identified. Students then did poster presentations at OLL to share their findings. P-16 BIOL 4280, PSYCH 4270, 8276 CPACS Animal Behavior Lab
Zoo Project (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium, Our Lady of Lourdes Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 13 156 0 23 253 0 STEM/STEM Education, Wildlife/Animal Welfare Rose Strasser's UNO Animal Behavior Lab worked with Shelly Brown's 8th grade OLL science students. The students observed animals at Henry Doorly Zoo and then did additional research regarding the issues the zoo had previously identified on the selected animals. Students created poster presentations and presented their findings at Our Lady of Lourdes in the late fall.
Young Black and Influential (YBI) Award consultation (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Educational Support, Social Justice North Omaha Neighborhood Alliance Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2017-18 None None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building
Writing in Social Work (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Educational Support Douglas County Department of Health & Human Services Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 30 300 0 0 0 0 Literacy Students are creating a resource book for WIC clients to increase access to resources available to them.
Worlds of Food (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Environmental Stewardship Intercultural Senior Center, Montessori Co-op School Geography & Geology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 82 1,410 0 11 74 0 Climate and Sustainability Students from Leigh Anne Optiz's Human Geography class work with 4th through 6th graders in Annie O'Farrel's Montessori class. They partner with Intercultural Senior Center. There were two events this semester to help students learn about culture. At the first event seniors were invited to share a recipe from their home country that would later be put into a intergenerational and intercultural cookbook. At the second event, seniors shared prepared dishes from their home countries. P-16 GEOG 1020 Arts and Science Introduction to Human Geography
World of Foods (Spring 2017): 2016-17 Environmental Stewardship Intercultural Senior Center, Montessori Co-op School Geography & Geology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2016-17 None None 10 100 0 10 80 0 Climate and Sustainability UNO Human Geography students and upper elementary students at Montessori Co Op School worked together to create a cookbook for Intercultural Senior Center in the fall semester. The two student groups went on monthly shopping trips to buy recipe items for monthly cooking demonstrations of cookbook recipes. The seniors at the Intercultural Senior Center helped the two student groups cook the recipes at monthly cooking demonstrations.
World Geography (Fall 2016): 2016-17 International Service Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska Geography & Geology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 16 320 0 0 0 0 Inter/Trans-culture, Refugees Traditional GEOG1000 Arts and Sciences Fund World Regional Geography
World Aids Day of Service - 12/2/2016: 2016-17 (9) Health and Wellness Nebraska AIDS Project Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 24 30 3 0 0 0 Medical Services Packaged and distributed safe-sex kits
World Aids Day of Service - 12/2/2016: 2016-17 (10) Health and Wellness Douglas County Department of Health & Human Services Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 19 35 2 0 0 0 Medical Services Packaged safe-sex kits
World AIDS Day of Service - 12/2/17: 2017-18 (11) Health and Wellness Charles Drew Health Center Inc. Sigma Lambda Beta, Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 8 0 0 0 0 0 Medical Services We are providers of condoms to over 40 sites in North Omaha and the surrounding community. We need assistance with preparing our condom distribution bags and inventory of our swag items.
World AIDS Day of Service - 12/2/17: 2017-18 (12) Health and Wellness Nebraska AIDS Project, Ralston High School Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 14 0 0 9 0 1 Medical Services The project would be assisting in setting up for our annual fundraiser, Night of A Thousand Stars. This would include setting up tables, chairs, linens, arranging furniture, hanging drapes, assisting with load in of DJ and Light Equipment, etc.
World AIDS Day of Service - 12/2/17: 2017-18 (13) Health and Wellness Planned Parenthood of the Heartland Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 9 0 0 1 0 0 Medical Services, Health Awareness Volunteers will be working on two projects: thanking donors through phone calls and thank-you notes, and creating packets for our Policy Summits.
World AIDS Day of Service - 12/2/17: 2017-18 (14) Health and Wellness Douglas County Health Department Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 11 0 0 0 0 0 This year we will have students put together condom packets for STD Control. We use these condom packets in our clinic and our outreach sites. Each condom packet will have a variety of condoms, lube, education, and clinic information.
World Aids Day of Service - 12/1/2016: 2016-17 (002) Health and Wellness Planned Parenthood of the Heartland Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 19 21 2 0 0 0 Medical Services, Health Awareness Packaged safe-sex kits
World Aids Day of Service - 12/1/2016: 2016-17 (001) Health and Wellness Nebraska Community Blood Bank Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 21 29 2 0 0 0 Organ and Blood Donation Phone-banked to potential donors
Working with Minority Elderly (Spring 2018): 2017-18 (002) Health and Wellness Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 5 75 0 0 0 0
Working with Minority Elderly (Spring 2018): 2017-18 (001) Health and Wellness Gerontology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 9 135 0 0 0 0 Continuation of Honors course, focus on place.
Working with Minority Elderly (Spring 2017): 2016-17 Social Justice Gerontology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2016-17 None None 11 220 0 0 0 0
WiSTEM Pro^2 Brown Bag Meeting: October: 2017-18 Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), WiSTEM Pro^2 Knowledge and Resource Sharing Meeting / Gathering None Fall 2017-18 None 0 0 0 0 0 14 None
WiSTEM Pro^2 Brown Bag Meeting: 2017-18 Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), WiSTEM Pro^2 Knowledge and Resource Sharing Meeting / Gathering None Fall 2017-18 Fall 2017-18 0 0 0 0 0 0 WiSTEM Pro^2 will welcome Dr. Erica Holley, Associate Professor of Management at Central Washington University. She will join us via Zoom to present and discuss earned her research is focused on stress and burnout, emotional regulation, justice perceptions, and relational attributions in the workplace. Come join WiSTEM Pro^2 for an informal, bring your own lunch networking meeting. All are welcome! Our Mission: WiSTEM Pro2 is dedicated to the promotion of women in STEM through mentoring, continued dialogue and professional development through collaboration across UNO campus initiatives and engaging organizations. The group is open to all individuals interested in advancing the careers and leadership opportunities for women.
Barbara Willson Memorial Lecture Series: School of the Arts Cultural Enrichment Talk - Grant Moran: 2017-18 Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Fine Arts Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Spring 2017-18 Spring 2017-18 0 0 0 0 0 18 Grant Moran is an Emmy-winning screenwriter for animation whose work has focused primarily on children’s television. In varied roles as network executive, producer, head writer, staff writer, and creative consultant, he has worked on projects for Warner Brothers Animation, Nickelodeon, PBS, Cartoon Network, and Marvel, among many others. He is currently head writer on the upcoming Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures for Mattel, writing for the new “Marvel’s Spider-Man” series, and developing new projects with clients around the world.
Wildlife Safari Water Quality (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Environmental Stewardship Northwest High School, Omaha Public Schools, Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium Chemistry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 58 580 0 14 140 0 Wildlife/Animal Welfare Northwest High School students from Ms. Rachel Benzoni's AP Chemistry class will work with UNO students from Dr. Dana Richter-Egger's Chemistry in Environment and Society course on a water quality project. They will visit the Wildlife Safari Park to test the Pawnee River's water quality and present their findings.
Westside Boys and Girls Club (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Educational Support Boys and Girls Club of the Midlands Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 14 238 0 15 0 0 Literacy, Youth Programming Dr. Brian McKevitt's Psychology in the Schools students at UNO are tutoring children in an after school program with Westside Boys and Girls Club. UNO students will assess students in reading and implement interventions. UNO students acted as mentors for elementary students.
Westside Boys & Girls Club: 2016-17 Educational Support Westside Boys and Girls Club Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None 14 245 0 14 14 0 Literacy, Youth Programming
Wellspring consultation (Summer 2018): 2017-18 Educational Support, Social Justice Salvation Army Wellspring Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Summer 2017-18 None None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building
We Sing Around the World (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Arts, Culture and Humanities, Educational Support Holling Heights Elementary, Omaha Public Library International Studies, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 14 252 0 16 144 0 Literacy, Music/Dance The elementary students and UNO students worked together to create music and reading videos in their own native language. The videos were used for the Omaha Public Library summer camp.
WCA Girl's Leadership Academy (Summer 2017): 2016-17 Educational Support Women's Center for Advancement Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Summer 2016-17 None None 1 33 0 0 0 0 Leadership and Mentoring UNO social work students worked with the WCA Girls Leadership Academy to develop a service project for the summer. Partnership goals included youth become aware of their individual assets and service to the community.
Water Quality Testing (Spring 2017): 2016-17 Environmental Stewardship Northwest High School, Omaha Public Schools, Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance Chemistry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2016-17 None None 12 48 0 27 108 0 Clean Water/Water Management UNO Chemistry and Northwest HS (ONW) Honors Chemistry students came to UNO to learn about how to test water samples taken from the homes of the ONW students.  Through ion chromatography analysis, UNO and Northwest students were able to find out what chemicals existed in water samples taken from Northeast Omaha.  In addition, Kara Eastman of the Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance, taught the ONW group about the harmful effects of lead poisoning in the Omaha Community.  This will be a continuation project, culminating in the students taking what they have learned to produce informational pieces about lead in Omaha water that the Healthy Kids Alliance will be able to give to their clients.
VPA-UNO: YMCA Association Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness YMCA Association Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 2 0 0 2 Capacity Building, Physical Fitness Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: The Upper Room Time 6: 2017-18 Educational Support Swope Corridor Renaissance: The Upper Room Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: The Upper Room Time 5: 2016-17 Educational Support Swope Corridor Renaissance: The Upper Room Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Taysia Blue Rescue Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Taysia Blue Husky and Malamute Rescue Group Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 2 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Siena Francis House Time 3: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Siena Francis House Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Senior Companions Program Time 2: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 3 Capacity Building, Gerontology Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Riverside County Department of Animal Services Time 7: 2017-18 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Riverside County Department of Animal Services Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Riverside County Department of Animal Services Time 6: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Riverside County Department of Animal Services Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Refugee Empowerment Center Time 2: 2016-17 Educational Support, International Service Refugee Empowerment Center Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Refugees, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Pueblo Animal Services Time 4: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region: Pueblo Animal Services Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 4 0 1 0 0 1 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Princeton Healthcare System Time 1: 2017-18 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Princeton Healthcare System Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2017-18 None 3 0 1 0 0 2 Medical Services, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Pet Helpers Time 2: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Pet Helpers Adoption Center Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 3 0 1 0 0 2 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Pathways to Compassion Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support Pathways to Compassion Hospice Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Partnership 4 Kids Time 4: 2016-17 Educational Support Partnership 4 Kids Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 3 Youth Programming, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Ombudsman Advocate Program Time 2: 2016-17 Educational Support Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 3 0 1 0 0 2 Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Omaha Public Library Time 3: 2016-17 Educational Support Omaha Public Library Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2016-17 None 4 0 1 0 0 4 Literacy, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Ollie Webb Center Time 2: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Ollie Webb Center Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building, Develop./Physical Disability Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Northern Plains Boxer Rescue Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Northern Plains Boxer Rescue Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Muddy Paws Second Chance Rescue Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Muddy Paws Second Chance Rescue Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 2 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Mourning Hope Grief Center Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Mourning Hope Grief Center Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 2 Capacity Building, Grief Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Lakeside Hospital Time 6: 2017-18 Educational Support, Health and Wellness CHI Health Lakeside Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 1 0 0 3 Medical Services, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Lakeside Hospital Time 5: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness CHI Health Lakeside Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 3 Medical Services, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: LA County Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Jacksonville Humane Society Time 3: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Jacksonville Humane Society Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 2 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Summer 2016-17 None 3 0 1 0 0 2 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Humane Society of Pinellas: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Humane Society of Pinellas Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Heartland Family Services Time 3: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Heartland Family Services Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 6 0 1 0 0 3 Mental Health, Holistic Wellness, Medical Services, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Grief's Journey Time 4: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Collective for Hope/Grief's Journey Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building, Grief Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Greenwood Humane Society Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Greenwood Humane Society Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Summer 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 2 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Greater Birmingham Humane Society Time 2: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Greater Birmingham Humane Society Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 3 0 1 0 0 1 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska Time 2: 2017-18 Educational Support Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Youth Programming, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Foster Grandparent Program in Omaha Time 4: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 3 Capacity Building, Gerontology Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Foster Grandparent Program in Gering Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska: Foster Grandparent Program in Gering Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 4 0 1 0 0 2 Capacity Building, Gerontology Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Do Space Time 2: 2017-18 Educational Support Do Space Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 1 0 0 2 Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Completely Kids Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support Completely Kids Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 2 0 2 0 0 2 Youth Programming, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: CASA Douglas County Time 5: 2017-18 Educational Support Court Appointed Special Advocates in Douglas County (CASA) Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2017-18 None None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: CASA Douglas County Time 4: 2016-17 Educational Support Court Appointed Special Advocates in Douglas County (CASA) Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None None 3 0 2 0 0 3 Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Calvary Omaha Time 2: 2016-17 Educational Support Calvary Omaha Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Spring 2016-17 None 3 0 1 0 0 2 Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: Butte Humane Society Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship Butte Humane Society Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Summer 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 2 Wildlife/Animal Welfare, Capacity Building Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
VPA-UNO: American Lung Association Time 1: 2016-17 Educational Support, Health and Wellness American Lung Association in Nebraska Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Volunteer Program Assessment-UNO Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2016-17 None 2 0 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building, Organ and Blood Donation Students and faculty worked with the volunteer coordinator at the agency to conduct an evaluation of the organization’s volunteer program. The aim was to provide the agency with quantitative and qualitative data and feedback from the perspective of their volunteers with the goal of improving volunteer and organizational outcomes.
Voices Across Generations (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Black Elk, Royale Oaks Assisted Living Educational Leadership, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 7 210 0 26 234 0 Leadership and Mentoring, Gerontology UNO students from Dr. Tami Williams’ Educational Leadership class, Ms. Danielle Elsassr’s 3rd grade students from Black Elk Elementary and their Senior Buddies from Royale Oaks Assisted Living all connected on this project to compare and contrast their life experiences through art, written, and verbal activities. The stories were shared via a printed book at the end of the semester.
Village Basketball Alliance Evaluation: 2016-17 (003) Educational Support The Hope Center for Kids Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2016-17 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building
Junior Village Basketball Alliance Evaluation (Spring 2017: 2016-17 (72) Educational Support, Health and Wellness The Hope Center for Kids Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Engaged Research None None Spring 2016-17 Summer 2016-17 1 0 0 0 0 0 Youth Programming, Capacity Building, Health Awareness The primary purpose of this evaluation is for STEPs to measure program fidelity and participation impact of JVBA. Evaluation components will include developing a logic model for the JVBA program, a literature review, process evaluation, interviews, an outcomes evaluation, and a final report.
The Hope Center for Kids Village Basketball Alliance Evaluation (Spring 2017): 2016-17 (001) Educational Support The Hope Center for Kids Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2016-17 None None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building
Veterans Day of Service - 11/12/2016: 2016-17 (74) Economic Impact, Social Justice Veterans of Foreign Wars 247 Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 9 55 0 0 0 0 Veteran Support Cleaned and painted indoor dining facility
Veterans Day of Service - 11/12/2016: 2016-17 (75) Economic Impact Open Door Mission Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 7 38 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Sorted and organized donations
Veterans Day of Service - 11/12/2016: 2016-17 (76) Environmental Stewardship Lauritzen Gardens Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 7 37 0 0 0 0 Gardens/Plantlife Greenhouse and outdoor garden revitalization
Veterans Day of Service - 11/12/2016: 2016-17 (77) Economic Impact, Educational Support Kaneko Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 10 34 1 0 0 0 Veteran Support, Capacity Building Scanned and digitized archived documents
Veterans Day of Service - 11/12/2016: 2016-17 (78) Economic Impact, Social Justice Catholic Charities - Phoenix House Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 6 35 0 0 0 0 Veteran Support Landscaped outdoor grounds
Veterans Day of Service - 11/12/2016: 2016-17 (79) Economic Impact, Social Justice American Legion 373 Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 6 36 0 0 0 0 Veteran Support Cleaned and painted indoor recreation area
Veterans Day of Service - 11/11/2016: 2016-17 Economic Impact, Social Justice Veterans of Foreign Wars 2503 Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 12 42 2 0 0 0 Veteran Support Served dinner to veterans and their families in support of annual fundraiser
Veterans Day of Service - 11/11/17: 2017-18 (81) Economic Impact Habitat for Humanity: Omaha Athletics, Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 7 0 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Volunteers will help with a variety of deconstruction projects.
Veterans Day of Service - 11/11/17: 2017-18 (82) Health and Wellness Victory Riding Academy Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 9 0 0 0 0 0 Health Awareness Volunteers will help with outdoor clean up tasks.
Veterans Day of Service - 11/11/17: 2017-18 (83) Economic Impact Veterans of Foreign Wars 247 Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 9 0 0 1 0 0 Veteran Support Volunteers will be assisting with a deep cleaning of the Post.
Veterans Day of Service - 11/11/17: 2017-18 (84) Economic Impact Ralston High School, Stephen Center Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 3 0 0 11 0 1 Veteran Support Volunteers will be assisting at the Stephen Center Thrift Store to help organize, sort, hang and display donated items.
Veterans Day of Service - 11/11/17: 2017-18 (85) Economic Impact Siena Francis House Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 17 0 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Volunteers will be doing a trash clean-up of the campus and making posters for the Veterans Day event.
Veterans Day of Service - 11/11/17: 2017-18 (86) Economic Impact, Health and Wellness Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 7 0 0 5 0 1 Veteran Support Volunteers will be making veteran appreciation cards for the residents of the Veterans Home.
Veterans Day of Service - 11/11/17: 2017-18 (87) Economic Impact Habitat for Humanity: Omaha Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 9 0 1 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Volunteers will help with a variety of deconstruction projects.
UrbanRez Book Club: 2017-18 Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Emergency Management and Disaster Science Knowledge and Resource Sharing Meeting / Gathering None Fall 2017-18 Fall 2017-18 0 0 0 0 0 6 NA
UNO Social Media Labs: Betty Farmer Western Carolina University: 2016-17 Educational Support Western Carolina University Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Social Media Lab Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Fall 2016-17 Fall 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 60 At the heart of university community engagement is the promise of mutually beneficial relationships for both community partners and university participants. But what are the benefits, and how do we know when we achieve them? In this presentation, Betty Farmer, professor of communication and public relations at Western Carolina University (WCU), will identify specific benefits for community partners, universities, faculty, and students and provide examples of ways to measure and promote desired outcomes.
UNO Play Research Symposium: 2017-18 Social Justice Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Center for Faculty Excellence Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Spring 2017-18 Spring 2017-18 0 0 0 0 0 7 Discover what research tells us about the power of PLAY--for personal development, for learning, and for building healthy and equitable communities. A panel discussion and Q & A with UNO researchers, moderated by Dr. Debora Wisneski, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Teacher Education Department. This symposium is presented by the UNO Faculty of the Interdisciplinary Play Research Community of Practice.
UNO Earth Month: The Island: 2016-17 Environmental Stewardship Center for Biological Diversity, Citizens' Climate Lobby - Omaha Nebraska Chapter, Nebraska Interfaith Power & Lights, Nebraskans for Solar, Omaha Together One Community, Sierra Club Nebraska Chapter Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Center for Urban Sustainability, Sustained Dialogue Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Spring 2016-17 Spring 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 67 Climate and Sustainability Visit with and understand how community organizations are addressing climate change and how you can get involved in action. Also enjoy a screening of "The Island President" a 2011 documentary film about the efforts of then-President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, tackling rising sea levels resulting from climate change.
Transitions: Moving From Awareness to Acceptance: 2016-17 Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Transitions Program Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Spring 2016-17 None 0 0 0 0 0 55 The Transitions Program invites you to learn more about experiences with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Transitions participants and alumni serving as panelists give attendees the opportunity to learn more about their experiences with ASD. Light refreshments will be provided. This complimentary event is open to the public!
TLC/P4K (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Educational Support Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA), Thompson Learning Community Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 125 2,125 0 117 1,170 0 Youth Programming, Leadership and Mentoring Partnership 4 Kids afterschool program is partnered with the Thompson Learning Community students, who act as mentors to the P4K students. They exchange journals with their partnered mentors to ask questions about how to be prepared for college and TLC students respond back with answers of their experience. They work in groups to discuss their strengths, they present on their findings and they build relationships as a result. The students collectively will work on their food drive for Together Inc. and Heart Ministry Center, the donations will go to fill Together, Inc.’s and Heart Ministry Center's pantries. At the beginning of next semester they will organize a pancake feed for Together Inc. as well (January date).
TLC/P4K (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Educational Support Norris Middle School, Omaha Public Schools, Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA), Thompson Learning Community Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 109 1,744 0 116 1,624 0 Youth Programming, Leadership and Mentoring P-16 US 2020 TLC Sophomore Seminar
TLC Seminar (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Educational Support Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 76 1,520 0 0 0 0 Traditional US2020 Gen Ed TLC Sophomore Seminar
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Title IV-E Educational Stipend Evaluation (Fall 2017): 2017-18 (96) Economic Impact, Educational Support, Social Justice Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Engaged Research None None Fall 2017-18 Summer 2017-18 1 0 0 0 0 0 Economic Sufficiency Awareness, Youth Programming, Capacity Building, Social Justice Awareness A social work degree is traditionally required for child welfare work. The child welfare cohort provides undergraduate and graduate social work education to increase professionalization of the workforce, improve retention, and improve child and family outcomes. In the second year of this evaluation project, we will continue to assess the provision of social work education to these student-workers, student-workers job satisfaction and retention, and contextual and organizational factors.
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Title IV-E Educational Stipend Evaluation (Fall 2016): 2016-17 (97) Economic Impact, Educational Support, Social Justice Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Engaged Research None None Fall 2016-17 Summer 2016-17 1 0 0 0 0 0 Economic Sufficiency Awareness, Youth Programming, Capacity Building, Social Justice Awareness A social work degree is traditionally required for child welfare work. The child welfare cohort provides undergraduate and graduate social work education to increase professionalization of the workforce, improve retention, and improve child and family outcomes. In the first year of this evaluation project, we will assess the provision of social work education to these student-workers, student-workers job satisfaction and retention, and contextual and organizational factors.
Three Days of Service - 10/18/2017: 2016-17 (006) Environmental Stewardship Upstream Weeds Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 15 71 0 0 0 2 Gardens/Plantlife Science and nature exploration with elementary students
Three Days of Service - 10/18/2017: 2016-17 (005) Environmental Stewardship Lauritzen Gardens, North High, Omaha Public Schools Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 2 10 0 17 93 2 Gardens/Plantlife Greenhouse and outdoor garden revitalization
Three Days of Service - 10/18/2017: 2016-17 (004) Health and Wellness Marquis Place Assisted Living Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 10 56 0 0 0 0 Gerontology Served lunch and provided companionship to senior residents
Three Days of Service - 10/18/2017: 2016-17 (003) Environmental Stewardship Keep Omaha Beautiful Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 10 48 0 0 0 1 Neighborhood Revitalization Park cleanup and storm drain labeling (Aksarben)
Three Days of Service - 10/18/2017: 2016-17 (102) Educational Support Conservation Fusion Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 9 22 0 0 0 0 Literacy Curriculum development for Malagasy elementary students
Three Days of Service - 10/18/2017: 2016-17 (103) Environmental Stewardship Benson Plant Rescue Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 8 39 1 0 0 0 Gardens/Plantlife Organized plants and winterized garden
Three Days of Service - 10/17/2017: 2016-17 (104) Environmental Stewardship ONE Omaha Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 27 141 1 0 0 0 Gardens/Plantlife Revitalization of Manderson Community Garden
Three Days of Service - 10/17/2017: 2016-17 (105) Economic Impact, Environmental Stewardship North High, Omaha Public Schools, Viking Ship Community Center Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 2 13 0 15 82 2 Neighborhood Revitalization Beautification and enhancement of outdoor grounds
Three Days of Service - 10/17/2017: 2016-17 (106) Environmental Stewardship Lauritzen Gardens Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 21 108 3 0 0 0 Gardens/Plantlife Greenhouse and outdoor garden revitalization
Three Days of Service - 10/17/2017: 2016-17 (001) Educational Support Kaneko Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 12 31 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building Scanned and digitized archived documents
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (108) Environmental Stewardship Benson Plant Rescue, North High, Omaha Public Schools Project Achieve, Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 8 0 0 25 0 1 Gardens/Plantlife Repotting and reorganization of thousands of perennial flowers.
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (109) Economic Impact Santa Monica House Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 9 0 0 0 0 1 Deep clean our Teaching Kitchen area, common areas etc.
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (110) Economic Impact Open Door Mission, South High Magnet, Omaha Public Schools Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 0 32 0 1 Homelessness/Shelter Project 1 (15 People): Campus Clean Up We will be doing some trash pickup around our six city block campus and inside our buildings courtyards and playgrounds. Also, may do some light weeding in around of need and sweeping of sidewalks. This will be outdoors. If there is major inclement weather we will have a backup project. Project 2 (15 People): Food Preparation and Sorting, Organizing, Shelving Donations In the beginning we will be working in the kitchen and Dining Hall on food preparation needs for the day/week, after that, we will move to our Timberlake Outreach Center to Sort, Organize, and Shelve donations for community members in need.
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (111) Economic Impact Notre Dame Housing Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 10 0 0 0 0 0 Housekeeping, raking leaves, and cleaning.
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (112) Environmental Stewardship No More Empty Pots Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 12 0 0 0 0 0 Gardens/Plantlife Volunteers will be helping seniors at Holy Name turn an into a garden, giving the seniors an opportunity to grow foods for themselves and their families thus increasing the self-sufficiency of the seniors. Volunteers will clear bushes/weeds, remove garbage/debris from the area, and, as time allows, plant ground cover to keep the weeds from returning over the winter.
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (113) Economic Impact New Visions Homeless Services Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 11 0 0 0 0 1 Homelessness/Shelter Volunteers will be working at our Thrift Store helping to organize and sort donations.
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (004) Economic Impact Habitat for Humanity: Omaha Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 9 0 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Construction or deconstruction on one of 42 properties. Jobs may include, framing, siding, drywall, landscaping, painting, etc... Anything related to home building.
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (115) Economic Impact Food Bank for the Heartland, Gross Catholic High School Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 2 47 0 0 Food and Water Security Volunteers will be assembling food backpacks.
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (116) Educational Support Completely Kids, Gross Catholic High School Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 5 0 0 10 0 1 Capacity Building Donation Thank you Cards Project: Help Completely KIDS say thank you to all of our amazing donors that make an incredible difference in the lives of the kids and families we serve. Here, volunteers will assist in creating DIY holiday cards out of construction materials. We we supply the design, cards, and materials for the project. With your team's help, it is our hope to create and stuff 400 holiday cards.
Three Days of Service - 10/17/17: 2017-18 (117) Environmental Stewardship Fontenelle Forest Engineering and Construction, Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 17 0 1 0 0 0 Gardens/Plantlife Grading and repairing a section of hiking trail that is greatly degraded by using stone blocks to act as steps.
Three Days of Service - 10/16/17: 2017-18 (118) International Service Intercultural Senior Center Spanish Club, Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 16 0 0 0 0 0 Inter/Trans-culture During the month of October, our center celebrates Day of the Dead, which is an annual Spanish Cultural event for the community. the center need to be decorated for the occasion. Our event is on October 27th.
Three Days of Service - 10/16/17: 2017-18 (119) Economic Impact, Environmental Stewardship inCOMMON Community Development Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 18 0 0 0 0 2 Neighborhood Revitalization Volunteers will be doing some fall cleaning at both our community center and our apartment complex. Some cleaning and organizing will be done inside, some outside.
Three Days of Service - 10/16/17: 2017-18 (120) Educational Support Gross Catholic High School, Salvation Army: North Corps Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 0 18 0 1 Capacity Building Serving lunches (5) pantry (5) Computer room (5) freezer (5)
Three Days of Service - 10/16/17: 2017-18 (121) Environmental Stewardship, International Service Dundee Elementary Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 6 0 0 5 0 0 Inter/Trans-culture, Gardens/Plantlife Planting native grasses and mulching multiple garden beds.
Three Days of Service - 10/16/17: 2017-18 (122) International Service Gross Catholic High School, Nebraska Chinese Association Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 0 21 0 1 Inter/Trans-culture Indoor classroom clean up, interior painting, arranging furniture, outdoor garden arrangement and clean up. Will your volunteers can set up computer network for us? We have computers available.
Three Days of Service - 10/16/17: 2017-18 (123) Environmental Stewardship, International Service Conservation Fusion, Gross Catholic High School Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 14 0 0 7 0 1 Inter/Trans-culture, Climate and Sustainability Volunteers will assist in preparing art projects to create interactive leadership and conservation education program materials for children in Madagascar.
Three Days of Service - 10/16/17: 2017-18 (124) Educational Support NorthStar Foundation Engineering and Construction, Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 22 0 0 0 0 2 NorthStar is preparing grounds for winter. The majority of the group will pull weeds, and help our Facilities Manager with outdoor project and will improve drainage from various areas of property. The rest of the volunteers will work on a book organization project (English and English literature proficiency is helpful).
Three Days of Service - 10/15/2016: 2016-17 (125) Environmental Stewardship No More Empty Pots Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 15 71 0 0 0 0 Gardens/Plantlife Revitalization of Florence Community Garden
Three Days of Service - 10/15/2016: 2016-17 (126) Environmental Stewardship Lauritzen Gardens Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 21 110 0 1 5 1 Gardens/Plantlife Greenhouse and outdoor garden revitalization
Three Days of Service - 10/15/2016: 2016-17 (002) Environmental Stewardship Keep Omaha Beautiful Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Other None Fall 2016-17 None 8 26 0 0 0 1 Gardens/Plantlife Park cleanup (Elmwood and Memorial Park)
Three Days of Service - 10/15/2016: 2016-17 (128) Educational Support Kaneko Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2016-17 None 8 28 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building Scanned and digitized archived documents
Three Days of Service - 10/14/17: 2017-18 (129) Environmental Stewardship Lauritzen Gardens Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 20 0 0 0 0 1 Gardens/Plantlife Seasonal gardening outdoors weather dependent and indoors if the weather is inclement. Weeding, watering, mulching, cutting down prairie grasses, beautifying areas, etc...All dependent upon the weather.
Three Days of Service - 10/14/17: 2017-18 (130) Educational Support Ralston High School, The Hope Center for Kids Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 2 0 0 18 0 1 We would like for students to organize our 500 frames for Gala, replace the old photos with new ones, and clean out the frames. If time allows, we can do light cleaning of the Hope Center.
Three Days of Service - 10/14/17: 2017-18 (131) Educational Support Omaha Street School Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 12 0 0 0 0 0 No regular custodial services. Group will be cleaning bathrooms, mopping floors, vacuuming, dusting, window cleaning of organization. Mostly inside.
Three Days of Service - 10/14/17: 2017-18 (132) Educational Support Girls Inc. Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 7 0 0 0 0 0 At Girls Inc. of Omaha, the volunteers will be painting one of our classrooms. The room used to be our Boutique, but we are in the process of transforming it into a behavior management room.
Three Days of Service - 10/14/17: 2017-18 (003) Educational Support College Possible Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 4 0 0 1 0 1 Youth Programming Put together Student Recruitment Applications for students to apply to be in the College Possible program. Put together a mailing for Financial Aid
Three Days of Service - 10/14/17: 2017-18 (002) Health and Wellness Catholic Charities - Phoenix House Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 8 0 0 1 0 0 Domestic and Sexual Violence Lawn care - rake leaves, put them in bags. Weeding and other lawn maintenance chores.
Three Days of Service - 10/14/17: 2017-18 (135) Educational Support Boys and Girls Club of the Midlands Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 None 13 0 0 1 0 1 Youth Programming In addition to being a Boys and Girls Club Legacy site, we also host Camp Nakomis every summer. The camp office is in need of a face lift. We would utilize volunteers to help paint the camp office/shelves and storage area as well as organize the space. In addition, we have New Employee Orientation packets that will also need to be put together for the remainder of the year. The extra hands would be of great help!
Theater and Social Justice (Spring 2018): 2017-18 (002) Arts, Culture and Humanities, Social Justice Fine Arts, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 4 72 0 0 0 0 Theatre and Cinema
Theater and Social Justice (Spring 2018): 2017-18 (001) Educational Support, Social Justice Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility Fine Arts, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 12 216 0 0 0 0 Youth Programming Unknown
The Virtual World Project: 2016-17 Arts, Culture and Humanities, Educational Support Creighton University Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Schwalb Center for Israel and Jewish Studies Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Spring 2016-17 Spring 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 70 History The event, Virtual World Project: Exploring the Ancient World with Virtual Reality, will host Dr. Nicolae Roddy and Dr. Ronald Simkins from the Theology Department at Creighton to present the website and resource, Virtual World Project, which provides interactive virtual tours of the ancient world (Israel & Jordan). The tours allow visitors of the site to “wander” through various archaeological sites.
The 15th Annual Omaha Buddy Walk: 2017-18 Social Justice Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Student Council for Exceptional Children Volunteering Volunteerism None Fall 2017-18 Fall 2017-18 6 30 0 0 0 0 The annual fundraiser for Down Sydrome Alliance of the Midlands supports the over 400 families that they serve in the Omaha Metro.
Ted E. Bear Hollow (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Social Justice Collective for Hope/Grief's Journey Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 6 204 0 0 0 0 Grief UNO students helped Ted E. Bear Hollow with their Tinsel and Tears camps. UNO students provided both planning assistance and day of assistance with this camp as well as other grief related groups. P-16 SOWK 1500 CPACS Social Work and Civic Engagement
Technology Science & Civilization (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Educational Support Engineering and Construction, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 17 255 0 0 0 0 Traditional 4690 001 TR 9:00-10:15AM ENGR Engineering
Teaching Science (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Educational Support Service Learning Academy (SLA), Teacher Education Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 19 380 0 0 0 0 STEM/STEM Education Traditional TED4340 Education Teaching of Science-Elementary
Systems Design & Implementation (Spring 2018): 2017-18 (002) Educational Support Monson & Holloway Law Office Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 26 1,170 0 0 0 0 STEM/STEM Education Students are designing and building functional Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis for small businesses and non-profit organizations.
Systems Design & Implementation (Spring 2018): 2017-18 (001) Educational Support Frank Stoysich Meats Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 23 1,035 0 0 0 0 STEM/STEM Education Students are designing and building functional Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis for small businesses and non-profit organizations.
System Design and Implementation (Summer 2018): 2017-18 Economic Impact Midlands Real Estate Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Summer 2017-18 None None 12 600 0 0 0 0 Students will work with a community partner to understand their technical needs and produce a customized database system for their partner.
System Design (Spring 2017): 2016-17 Educational Support Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2016-17 None None 23 460 0 0 0 0
SW with older adults (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Social Justice Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 13 260 0 0 0 0 Traditional SOWK8260 CPACS Soc Work Pract with Older Adults
SW Special Studies (Spring 2017): 2016-17 Social Justice Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Spring 2016-17 None None 2 40 0 0 0 0
SW Practice (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Social Justice Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 20 400 0 0 0 0 Traditional SOWK4360 CPACS Social Work Practice III
Sustained Dialogue (Spring 2017): 2016-17 Social Justice Anti-Defamation League, Northwest High School, Omaha Public Schools Political Science, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2016-17 None None 20 225 0 10 152 0 Inclusion, Diversity & Equity UNO Political Science students worked with Northwest High Magnet School students to build facilitation skills through planning a sustained dialogue event with the Anti-Defamation League. The students worked with small groups throughout the semester to simulate a conversation around how to make Omaha a more welcoming place. The UNO and Northwest students hosted area high school students on UNO's campus to hold a sustained dialogue event where they discussed problems facing Omaha and created action items of how they can be a part of finding solutions to those problems.
Sustainable Materials Management (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Environmental Stewardship Northwest High School, Omaha Public Schools, The Big Garden Environmental Studies, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 37 444 0 19 171 0 Gardens/Plantlife Students from Professor Steve Rodie’s Landscape Appreciation course and Rachael Arens’ Omaha Northwest AP Environmental Science students will jointly present proposals for various sustainable material management techniques throughout Northwest High School and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. This P-16 service learning project highlights environmental sustainability and STEAM concepts (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). This project reinforces classroom curriculum for UNO and ONW students by further learning about sustainable materials management techniques in a real-world setting.
Sustainable Management (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Environmental Stewardship Northwest High School, Omaha Public Schools Environmental Studies, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 1 1 0 1 1 0 Gardens/Plantlife This is a continuation of a project from Fall 2017 where students from Professor Steve Rodie’s Landscape Appreciation course and Mrs. Rachael Arens’ Omaha Northwest AP Environmental Science students jointly presented proposals for various sustainable material management techniques throughout Northwest High School and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. For the project this semester, ONW used their understanding of composting to build a composter for a Bellevue Restaurant, and to teach the employees of the restaurant how to use it. This project reinforces classroom curriculum for UNO and ONW students by further learning about sustainable materials management techniques in a real-world setting.
Sustainability Leadership Presentation Series: Energy Efficiency in Transportation: Reducing the Impacts of Our Mobility: 2016-17 Environmental Stewardship Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA) Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Center for Urban Sustainability Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Spring 2016-17 Spring 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 36 Climate and Sustainability Sustainability Leadership Presentation featuring Michael Helgerson, from the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency. Helgerson discussed "Energy Efficiency in Transportation: Reducing the Impacts of Our Mobility."
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (009) Educational Support, Social Justice Youth Emergency Services Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 3 16 0 0 0 4 Youth Programming Sorted, organized and shelved donations
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (008) Educational Support Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska, Papillion High School Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 21 75 0 44 176 22 Youth Programming Prepared materials for upcoming Girls Scouts service project
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (007) Economic Impact, Educational Support, Social Justice Project Hope Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 8 44 0 0 0 3 Food and Water Security, Capacity Building Stocked food and clothes, cleaned distribution center
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (006) Economic Impact Open Door Mission Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 15 75 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Sorted, organized, and shelved donations
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (005) Economic Impact No More Empty Pots Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 12 68 0 0 0 0 Self-Sufficiency Flyer distribution to neighborhood businesses and homes
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (004) Arts, Culture and Humanities, Social Justice Love's Jazz and Art Center Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 7 38 0 0 0 3 Music/Dance, Art Organized filing system
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (003) Economic Impact Habitat for Humanity: Omaha Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 10 55 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Home deconstruction in preparation for build
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (002) Economic Impact Habitat for Humanity: Council Bluffs Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 6 32 1 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Organized, moved and re-stocked merchandise
Super Service Saturday - 2/4/2017: 2016-17 (001) Environmental Stewardship, Social Justice Abide Omaha Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 11 62 0 1 5 3 Neighborhood Revitalization Painted and renovated indoor space
Summer Scholar Service Day - 6/2/18: 2017-18 (003) Environmental Stewardship Spring Lake Park Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative), Summer Scholars Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2017-18 None 27 0 0 0 0 0 Gardens/Plantlife Assist with a Park Cleanup
Summer Scholar Service Day - 6/2/18: 2017-18 (002) Economic Impact Salvation Army: Omaha Kroc Center Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative), Summer Scholars Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2017-18 None 21 0 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter The volunteers will be assigned to various departments at the Kroc Center such as Sports and Recreation, Health & Fitness, Facilities, and Youth Engagement. They will mainly be helping with cleaning and organizing within the departments. The Facilities department needs volunteers to help outside, picking up trash in the grass and some light weeding.
Summer Scholar Service Day - 6/2/18: 2017-18 (001) Environmental Stewardship Neighborhood Action & Fact Association Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative), Summer Scholars Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2017-18 None 28 0 0 0 0 0 Gardens/Plantlife Volunteers will be beautifying the community garden and removing tree trimmings, raking leaves and removing trash and debris from around the community garden.
Strategy U (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Economic Impact Omaha Home for Boys Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 11 33 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Students will coach the youth of the Jacob's Place Program of the Omaha Home for Boys on employment (resume writing, interview skills, etc)
Strategic Writing for PR (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Educational Support Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 16 960 0 0 0 0 Literacy Students are working with nonprofits to create templates on press releases, media, blogs, Facebook posts, all outreach tactics.
Strategic Writing (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Educational Support Nebraska Organ Recovery Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 20 400 0 0 0 0 Literacy Students will create a full PR packet (factsheet, infographic, FB content, calendar etc). One student to one client.
Storytelling Media I (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Educational Support Alice Buffett Middle School, Omaha Public Schools, Mode Shift Omaha Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 17 272 0 16 256 0 Literacy UNO students from Don Bowen's Media Storytelling 1 class worked with 8th graders from Alice Buffett Middle School and the Mode Shift Omahaorganization. Together the students created a video about the 67th & Pacific intersection. The video concentrated on the dangers of the intersection for pedestrians and what improvement could be made by the city to make it safer. Mode Shift Omahawill publish the video online.
STEPS Workshop 10/18/2017: 2017-18 (171) Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Fall 2017-18 None 0 0 0 0 0 18 STEM/STEM Education, Capacity Building USING DATA TO INTERPRETATION SESSIONS TO ENGAGE AND INFORM: Tap into the expertise and experience that surrounds you by facilitating interactive data interpretation sessions with your key stakeholders-from clients and staff, to advisory councils, coalitions, and boards. Use the data you routinely gather or generate through program evaluation to inform your decision-making. This interactive workshop will help you understand the value and challenges of interactive data sessions, experience various data interpretation approaches, and plan an interactive data interpretation session. Presented by: Pamela Ashley & Natalie Scarpa. COST: $40, plus $10 for 2 CEU's. (10/18/2017)
STEPs Workshop 1/17/2018: 2017-18 (172) Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Spring 2017-18 Spring 2017-18 0 0 0 0 0 9 STEM/STEM Education, Capacity Building Accurate data provides the foundation for evidence-informed decision-making. In order to be confident about the integrity of your data, you need to pay attention to how you prepare it. Attendees will learn about data collection and entry options as well as data cleaning processes, including how to identify and deal with erroneous or missing values.
STEPS Workshop 2/7/2018: 2017-18 (173) Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Spring 2017-18 Spring 2017-18 0 0 0 0 0 11 Capacity Building, Other Client Satisfaction Client satisfaction surveys are notorious for low response rates. When we do get them back, the responses aren't always helpful. Let's talk about strategies for overcoming these trouble spots, and increasing the usefulness of survey responses. This interactive workshop will give you knowledge and skills to construct a satisfaction survey and a plan for administering it. We will also discuss ways to maximize the usefulness of results. COST: $40 ($20 for students), plus $10 for CE Us
STEPs Workshop 11/14/2017: 2017-18 (174) Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Fall 2017-18 Fall 2017-18 0 0 2 0 0 6 STEM/STEM Education, Capacity Building Finding a tool to measure client outcomes is tough! You need to consider what you want to measure and how you want to measure it, as well as how your clients will react to it. Attendees will discover ways to find outcome measurement tools, learn about validity and reliability, and gain skills in choosing the right tool for your program. COST: $40 ($20 for students), plus $10 for CEUs
Stephenson Harrington Internship (Fall 2016): 2016-17 (005) Educational Support, Health and Wellness Women's Center for Advancement Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 1 55 0 0 0 0 Medical Services Interns also complete surveys, reflection assignments, and graded assignments throughout the semester.
Stephenson Harrington Internship (Fall 2016): 2016-17 (176) Health and Wellness The Wellbeing Partners Goodrich Scholarship Program, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2016-17 Fall 2016-17 1 0 0 0 0 0 Other Education Event Planning During the internship, the intern supported the development and distribution of promotional materials, correspondence and event communications. The intern also assisted with the creation and implementation of worksite wellness documents and tools. The intern was also responsible for planning and executing an event of the organization. Lastly, the intern entered data and provided administrative support as needed. Interns also complete surveys, reflection assignments, and graded assignments throughout the semester.
Stephenson Harrington Internship (Fall 2016): 2016-17 (002) Educational Support, Health and Wellness UNMC Munroe Meyer Institute Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 1 55 0 0 0 0 Develop./Physical Disability Interns also complete surveys, reflection assignments, and graded assignments throughout the semester.
Stephenson Harrington Internship (Fall 2016): 2016-17 (179) Educational Support Completely Kids Goodrich Scholarship Program, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2016-17 Fall 2016-17 1 0 0 0 0 0 Early Childhood Education The intern worked as support staff at Marrs Middle School, assisting with various after school programs. The intern also provided homework help for students. Interns also complete surveys, reflection assignments, and graded assignments throughout the semester.
Special Studies in Music (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Educational Support Music, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 3 60 0 0 0 0 Traditional MUS4000 Communication, Fine Arts, and Media Special Studies in Music
Spec Topics in Nat Am Studies (Summer 2018): 2017-18 Educational Support Native American Studies, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Summer 2017-18 None None 7 105 0 0 0 0
Spanish Fontenelle (Spring 2017): 2016-17 Educational Support, International Service Fontenelle Elementary School, Omaha Public Schools Foreign Languages, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2016-17 None None 1 12 0 4 28 0 Inter/Trans-culture, Literacy A UNO student from an Independent Study Spanish class connected with three ELL students from Fontenelle Elementary to read the Spanish book Ana Zap in order to practice their Spanish reading, comprehensional, and conversational skills. At the end of the project the students recorded their favorite scene from the book and spoke on what they learned and best enjoyed about the project.
Spanish Conversation (Fall 2016): 2016-17 International Service Heartland Workers Center Foreign Languages, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 19 380 0 0 0 0 Inter/Trans-culture Traditional SPAN4030 Arts and Sciences Advanced Spanish Conversation
Spanish Club Class Room Support (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Educational Support, International Service Civic Nebraska, Jackson Elementary School, Omaha Public Schools Service Learning Academy (SLA), Spanish Club Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 38 247 0 23 23 0 Inter/Trans-culture, Literacy Students from Claudia Garcia's Spanish Club Conversation class participated in a project that allowed them to interact and use their Spanish Club skills to assist a classroom at Jackson Elementary school. Olajide Cooper's class lacked a para this year, so the students from UNO were able to fill the need and provide assistance to Ms. Cooper's students to assist in their learning.
Sound Health Seminar (Spring 2017): 2016-17 Health and Wellness Sound Health Music, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2016-17 None None 24 480 0 0 0 0 Health Awareness
Social Work Prison Work (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Educational Support, Social Justice NE Correctional Youth Facility Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 25 112 0 0 0 0 Youth Programming Students from Ciara Warden’s Generalist Practice class created a resource book for the Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility. The students compiled resources based on what information they gathered during interviews with the youth in the facility.
Social Work Prison (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Educational Support Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 21 115 0 0 0 0 UNO MSW students in Prof. Mary Kate Hoffmann's Generalist Practice I course are working with inmates/clients at the Nebraska Youth Correctional Facility. UNO students are conducting individual assessments and interviews to prepare an individualized discharge plan for each client.
Social Work Practice with Older Adults (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Educational Support, Health and Wellness Royale Oaks Assisted Living Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 14 350 0 0 0 0 Literacy, Gerontology Storytelling w older adults with dementia, spiritual life mapping and/or leaving a legacy with older adults in the community, self-case strategies for grandparents. Students facilitate programming with older adults based on ideas generated from agencies.
Social Work and Civic Engagement (Summer 2018): 2017-18 Social Justice Charles Drew Health Center Inc. Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Summer 2017-18 None None 8 240 0 10 0 0 Civic and Political Engagement Social Work students will partner with local nonprofit agencies to explore social work careers and provide direct services to clients as well as focus on a macro issue within the agency.
Social Welfare Planning (Spring 2018): 2017-18 (002) Educational Support Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 11 165 0 0 0 0 Students will develop a new program for respective community agencies. Programs will be developed and planned through contact with agency representatives and presented to the agency at the end of the semester.
Social Welfare Planning (Fall 2017): 2017-18 (001) Educational Support Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 13 195 0 0 0 0 Students partner with an agency to design a new program/special project or modify an existing program/special project. The students will gather information, check in to ensure that they are on the right track, and present final project to partners.
Social Return on Investment Partnership 4 Kids (Fall 2016): 2016-17 (192) Educational Support, Social Justice Partnership 4 Kids Support and Training for the Evaluation of Programs (STEPs) Engaged Research None None Fall 2016-17 Spring 2016-17 1 0 0 0 0 0 Youth Programming, Capacity Building STEPs will work with Partnership 4 Kids staff and key stakeholders to review existing logic models, develop a theory of change, gather program outcome and cost data and research valuation of cost and benefit indicators. This information will be used to create a Social Return on Investment (SROI) report and deliverables appropriate to share with various program stakeholders.
Social Media Measurement (Fall 2016): 2016-17 (002) Educational Support Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 8 160 0 0 0 0 Social Media Measurement JMC4040 Traditional Project
Social Media Measurement (Spring 2017): 2016-17 (001) Educational Support Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2016-17 Spring 2016-17 8 160 0 0 0 0 JMC4040/8046 Social Media Measurement Traditional Project
Social Media for Beginners Workshop: 2016-17 Educational Support Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Social Media Lab Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Fall 2016-17 None 0 0 0 0 0 25 A workshop for UNO and community building partner organizations to learn the basics of social media.
Social Justice and Social Change (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Social Justice Blackburn Alternative High School, Omaha Public Schools, Nebraska AIDS Project Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 10 80 0 0 0 0 Social Justice Awareness UNO students work with Nebraska AIDS Project and UNO office of Multicultural Affairs to shadow program assistants, directors, etc. Graduate students in the class planned a panel for people to learn about NAP services. Social justice and social change is a sociology class taught through UNO by Alecia Anderson.  (This was not a P-16 project this semester, although planned as P-16, Carolyn Rabideaux at Blackburn ( was not able to commit after the semester started.)
Small Group Facilitation: 2016-17 Educational Support, Environmental Stewardship ONE Omaha Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC) Knowledge and Resource Sharing Workshop None Fall 2016-17 Fall 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 10 Civic and Political Engagement, Neighborhood Revitalization A training for building partner organizations about small group facilitation.
Small Group Communication (Fall 2017): 2017-18 Economic Impact, Social Justice Siena Francis House Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2017-18 None None 25 375 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Design, promote, and execute a project focused on homelessness for Sienna Francis House. Community awareness campaigns. Ex: 5k run, food stands for events.
Small Group (Spring 2018): 2017-18 Economic Impact Siena Francis House Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Spring 2017-18 None None 20 200 0 0 0 0 Homelessness/Shelter Design, promote, and execute a project focused on homelessness for Siena Francis House. Community awareness campaigns. Ex: 5k run, food stands for events.
SLP Club (Summer 2018): 2017-18 Educational Support Lewis and Clark Middle School, Omaha Public Schools Fine Arts, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Summer 2017-18 None None 12 84 0 90 1,530 0 Literacy 7th grade students from Lewis and Clark will create a child literacy book for the children at the UNO Child Care Center. The project aimed to provide these students with the skills to make a book for children that incorporates numbers, age appropriate text, visuals, and textiles.
Sharing Books & Stories (Fall 2016): 2016-17 Educational Support Charles Washington Library Service Learning Academy (SLA), Special Education and Communication Disorders Service Learning Course None Fall 2016-17 None None 20 380 0 0 0 0 Literacy Dr. Ritzman’s graduate class facilitated language and literacy skills by supporting the library’s Prime Time program. This program helps provide parents and caregivers skills for reading out loud with their children. Previously, there was not an early childhood portion to this program. Dr. Ritzman and her students help fill this need. The graduate students chose children's books to create a lesson plan with and read the stories to caregivers and children. These books were then given to the children who have participated so families and caregivers can use them at home. The students came to the library and found areas throughout the facility to provide their lessons. On Saturdays, the numbers of children that arrive are unpredictable. Some students may interact with two children and some may get 20. The expectation is that students use their time in its entirety and provide these services to the community.
Seven Days of Service - 3/25/2017: 2016-17 (003) Economic Impact Open Door Mission, Papillion High School Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 15 58 0 9 49 1 Homelessness/Shelter Organized and restocked donations
Seven Days of Service - 3/25/2017: 2016-17 (002) Economic Impact Habitat for Humanity: Omaha Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2016-17 None 12 54 0 0 0 5 Homelessness/Shelter Deconstructed future home
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