Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community. Various filters are provided to gain a better understanding of how different UNO units collaborate with the community.

Project Project Focus Areas Community Partners Campus Partners Engagement Type: Activity Type: Other Activity Type: Start Semester: Start Academic Year: End Semester: End Academic Year: Total UNO Students: UNO Students Hours: UNO Faculty/Staff Hours: Total K-12 Students: K-12 Student Hours: Total Number of Other Participants: Topics: Other Topics: Description: Subtags:
African American Psychology (Spring 2024): 2023-24 (3255) Educational Support All In The Family Mentoring & Support Services, American Red Cross, Black Agenda Alliance (BAA), Habitat for Humanity: Council Bluffs, Omaha Street School, Open Door Mission, Salvation Army College of Arts and Sciences Service Learning None None Spring 2023-24 None 30 780 0 0 0 0 The purpose of this project is for UNO college students to develop their understanding of African American psychology through the student philanthropy model of service learning. UNO students are seeking organizations that are Black-led and Black-focused. Students will work with select community partners during the semester for their final course project. With this project, UNO students will be required to volunteer for a minimum of 5 hours and do something tangible in the community. Volunteer opportunities will be based on the needs of the organization. Students will be learning about service leadership and will present how they used leadership/course content in their service work. For the final presentation, students will do their own independent research into the organization and present that along with their experiences volunteering for the organization of their choice. At the end of the semester, students will vote for one organization to receive the $1000 grant. PSYC 4150.850 MPI
Fundamentals of Public Speaking -001(Spring 2024): 2023-24 (3258) Educational Support 3 Sisters, Abide Omaha, Building Bright Futures, Council Bluffs Pantry Association, Empowerment Network, Felius Cat Cafe and Rescue, Good New Jail and Prison Ministry, Habitat for Humanity: Council Bluffs, Heartland Equine Therapeutic Riding Academy (HETRA), Heartland Workers Center, inCOMMON Community Development, Mode Shift Omaha, Release Inc, Restored Wings, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Omaha, Trans Stitchin Communication Service Learning None None Spring 2023-24 None 24 288 0 0 0 0 Students will be required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students will talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students will each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech as to how the nonprofit is contributing to the area of focus they chose for the informative speech. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to recieve the $1000 grant. CMST 1110.11 MPI
Fundamentals of Public Speaking (Fall 2024): 2023-24 (3389) Social Justice Childrens Hospital and Medical Center, EPIC For Girls, Food Bank for the Heartland, Habitat for Humanity: Council Bluffs, Immigrant Legal Center, Partnership 4 Kids, Stephen Center, Susan G. Komen Great Plains, TeamMates Mentoring College of Communications, Fine Arts, and Media, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2023-24 None 24 21 0 0 0 0 Students are required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech as to how the nonprofit is contributing to the area of focus they chose for the informative speech. To get a better sense of the type of work nonprofits do, the students are visiting multiple nonprofits. At the end of the semester, the students vote for one organization to receive the $1000 grant. CMST 1110.024 MPI
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