Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community. Various filters are provided to gain a better understanding of how different UNO units collaborate with the community.

Project Project Focus Areas Community Partners Campus Partners Engagement Type: Activity Type: Other Activity Type: Start Semester: Start Academic Year: End Semester: End Academic Year: Total UNO Students: UNO Students Hours: UNO Faculty/Staff Hours: Total K-12 Students: K-12 Student Hours: Total Number of Other Participants: Topics: Other Topics: Description: Subtags:
COMM FOR INSTRUCTNL SETTINGS (Fall 2023): 2023-24 (3175) Educational Support Urban League Communication, Fine Arts, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2023-24 None 17 221 0 0 0 0 CMST 4160 students came to the business etiquette luncheon hosted by CMST 3130 students and helped sit with Urban League students at tables. CMST 4160 students developed short videos on communication skills that were shared with Urban League students to take back to their high schools to share with their classmates and further education. CMST 4160.850 P-16
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