Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community. Various filters are provided to gain a better understanding of how different UNO units collaborate with the community.

Project Project Focus Areas Community Partners Campus Partners Engagement Type: Activity Type: Other Activity Type: Start Semester: Start Academic Year: End Semester: End Academic Year: Total UNO Students: UNO Students Hours: UNO Faculty/Staff Hours: Total K-12 Students: K-12 Student Hours: Total Number of Other Participants: Topics: Other Topics: Description: Subtags:
P4K Fall 2022 K-12 Tours (Fall 2022): 2021-22 (3073) Economic Impact Partnership 4 Kids Undergraduate Admissions Knowledge and Resource Sharing Access to Higher Education None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 57 0 0 0 0 0 Youth Programming P4K students toured campus with admissions.
Guest Lecture for Worksite Wellness class (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3075) Health and Wellness The Wellbeing Partners Health and Kinesiology Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Provide two guest lecture video recordings for the Worksite Wellness class. One video request was an overview of my professional background and how I support worksites with worksite wellbeing. The other video request was on worksite culture.
Foundations in Public Health Volunteer Work (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3076) Health and Wellness The Wellbeing Partners Health and Kinesiology Community-Based Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 3 60 0 0 0 0 Health Awareness The goal for each student was 20 hours of volunteer time with a non-profit organization for class credit.
Judy Monoghan Intern (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3077) Economic Impact NAMI Nebraska Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 1 0 0 0 0 0 Intern is working with UNO and NAMI to develop an understanding of what mental health programs are currently available to students faculty and staff and then to determine which programs from NAMI would align with the UNO offered options. The student works 10 hours per week with the nonprofit through the paid internship.
SOWK 1500-Social Work And Civic Engagement(Spring 2023)t: 2022-23 (3078) Educational Support Completely Kids, NAMI Nebraska, Ollie Webb Center Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 28 840 0 0 0 0 Students enrolled in SOWK 1500 are working with a variety of non-profits in the area. In doing this work, students are able to learn about the needs of diverse populations throughout the Omaha area. They are serving at a food pantry, working with children in an after school program, and supporting adults with disabilities in their various roles. P-16 / SOWK 1500.850
Testing Nitrates in Water (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3079) Environmental Stewardship Wildlife Safari Park Chemistry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 27 324 0 0 0 0 North High School and UNO students will collect water samples at Wildlife Safari Park and bring them back to UNO to conduct several tests to discover the level of nitrates in the water. Nitrates can contaminate water, negatively impacting the environment. P-16 / CHEM 1010.001
Testing Nitrates in Water -001 (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3080) Environmental Stewardship Wildlife Safari Park Geography & Geology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 12 144 0 0 0 0 North High School and UNO students will collect water samples at Wildlife Safari Park and bring them back to UNO to conduct several tests to discover the level of nitrates in the water. Nitrates can contaminate water, negatively impacting the environment. P-16/GEOL 2600.001
Adopt A Classroom (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3081) Educational Support Washington Elementary, Omaha Public Schools Service Learning Academy (SLA), Young Scholars Program Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 15 75 0 0 0 0 This project is a yearlong project where UNO Young Scholars have partnered with fourth-grade students from Washington Elementary School. This project reinforces the goals of the Young Scholars to perform service in the community that coincides with their college experience while also allowing early college exposure to fourth grade students. P-16/Adopt A Classroom
Sound Bites (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3082) Educational Support Metropolitan Community College Foundation, Omaha Public Schools Music, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blackburn High School students will travel to Metropolitan Community College to participate in an event supporting student directed research over pairing food with music. Students will have the opportunity to plate dishes, getting a feel for the culinary arts program at MCC. P-16 Sound Bites
Communication and Leadership: 2022-23 (3083) Educational Support Urban League of Nebraska Engineering and Construction, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 14 518 0 0 0 0 Students enrolled in ENGR 100 (Interpersonal Skills for Engineers) will teach topics related to their coursework to 5th and 6th grade students from the CLC After-School Program at Franklin Elementary School. UNO students are paired off into small teams and each team will get the opportunity to practice their topic presentation one week before they are asked to go to Franklin and work with the elementary students. P-16 ENGR 1000.001
TED 2050 Benson HS(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3084) Educational Support Omaha Public Schools Health and Kinesiology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 19 541 0 0 0 0 The goal of this class is to provide opportunities and spaces for 1) the multilingual learners to imagine themselves as future college students, imagine themselves as multilingual English speakers, imagine themselves as teachers and 2) the UNO pre-service candidates put into practice the culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogies that they are introduced to through the course, as well as learn about the multifaceted strengths multilingual learners bring to the classroom. P-16 TED 2050.001
TED 2050 LCCSO (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3085) Educational Support Learning Community Center of South Omaha Health and Kinesiology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 24 798 0 0 0 0 Teacher candidates work with adult ELLs at the LCCSO a total of four times. UNO students develop lesson plans to work with the adult EL students on various topics of language and education. UNO students give the LCCSO families a tour of Dodge campus to give them a taste of college life at UNO. P-16 TED 2050.001
Fundamentals of Public Speaking-001(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3086) Educational Support AIM Institute, Food Bank for the Heartland, Humane Society of Pinellas, Little White Dog Rescue, Police Athletics for Community Engagement, Project harmony Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 24 168 0 0 0 0 Students will be required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students will talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students will each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech as to how the nonprofit is contributing to the area of focus they chose for the informative speech. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to recieve the $1000 grant. MPI CMST 1110.024
Race Psychology (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3087) Social Justice Boys and Girls Club of Council Bluffs, Culxr House, Urban League Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 31 496 0 0 0 0 Students will work in groups (or independently) and partner with a local nonprofit organization to learn about their efforts to combat the effects of racism (i.e., redlining, mass incarceration, food deserts, inequitable public education, predatory lending, maternal mortality, and voter suppression) or any other “ism” covered in class. Students will research and inform fellow groups on the nonprofit organization’s history, significance, goals/mission statement, rationale, stakeholders and targeted groups, events, program activities, planned outcomes, clients, staffing, management plan, financial support/budget, and their personal experience volunteering at the organization. Each student is expected to volunteer at least five hours of community service to the selected organization from the list provided. Lastly, students will vote on which local nonprofit organization presented could most benefit from UNO’s $1,000 MPI course grant based on the course project findings. MPI PSYC 3250.850
Educational Psychology(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3088) Educational Support Omaha Street School, Phoenix Academy, SPARK Positivity, Upward Bound Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 60 960 0 0 0 0 Students will work in groups (or independently) and partner with a local nonprofit organization to learn about the role teachers play in students’ development and academic achievement. Students are expected to create a presentation (or write a clear and concise paper) summarizing their service learning experience, integrating key concepts from class, assignments and group discussions. In short, in the presentation or paper, students will research and inform their classmates on their selected nonprofit organization’s history, significance, goals/mission statement, rationale, description of stakeholders and targeted groups, events, program activities, planned outcomes, management plan, financial support/budget, and their personal experience volunteering at the organization. Each student is expected to volunteer at least five hours of community service to the selected local nonprofit organization from the list provided. Then, students will vote on which organization presented by their classmates could most benefit from UNO’s $1,000 MPI course grant based on the course project findings. MPI PSYC 3510.850 & 851
African American Psychology(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3089) Educational Support Abide Omaha Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 30 480 0 0 0 0 Students will work in groups and partner with a local nonprofit organization to learn about their efforts to combat the effects of racism (i.e., redlining, mass incarceration, food deserts, inequitable public education, predatory lending, maternal mortality, and voter suppression among others). Students will research and educate fellow groups on the nonprofit organization’s history, significance, goals/mission statement, rationale, stakeholders and targeted groups, events, program activities, planned outcomes, clients, staffing, management plan, financial support/budget, and their personal experiences volunteering at the organization. Each student is expected to volunteer at least five hours of community service to the selected organization. Then, students will collectively decide which organization presented could most benefit from their $1,000 MPI course grant based on their course project findings. MPI PSYC 4150.850
Race, Crime, and Justice (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3090) Social Justice Yates Community Center, Educational Community Partnership ECP Criminology and Criminal Justice, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 10 260 0 0 0 0 Students will have a semester project focused on a topic area related to redlining and criminal justice. They will then locate an organization that is focused on addressing this specific area. For example, victimization, diversion/prevention, or reentry (criminal justice related). The students groups will then present on these organizations and the class will decide with organization will receive the $1000 grant. MPI CRCJ 8120.001
Future Career Exploration (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3092) Educational Support Omaha North High School Foundation Art and Art History, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 10 0 0 0 0 0 Students define their passions, talents, and interests to choose a best-fit major/minor; students explore different disciplines, Academic Focus Areas, and majors/minors at UNO; draw on happiness and well-being theories to help them better define the meaning of success in college and in life. P-16 EXPL 1000.007
Student-led Marketing Campaigns(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3093) Educational Support Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 In groups, students are hired as consultants to run an 11-weeks social media campaign for the SAC Aerospace Museum. Groups will pitch their strategies and show their social media post performances to the SAC Aerospace Museum (client) at the end of the semester. TRADITIONAL MKT 3370.001
Family Perspectives (Spring 2024): 2022-23 (3094) Educational Support UNMC Munroe Meyer Institute Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 8 100 0 0 0 0 Munroe Meyer Institute (MMI) will recruit families to partner with UNO students and the UNO students coordinate with families, get to know them, obtain IEP, and create recommendations to help family develop their child’s strengths and meet goals throughout the semester. P-16 PSYC 9050.860
The Pruitt-Igoe Myth (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3095) Social Justice Film Streams Goodrich Scholarship Program, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 20 1,500 0 0 0 0 Goodrich students will facilitate a partnership with Film Streams for the purpose of hosting a public film screening. Traditional PSYC 9050.860
Plants for Together Inc.'s Community Garden (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3096) Economic Impact Together Inc Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 12 120 0 0 0 0 Students in both biology and exploratory studies classes are learning about plant growth by cultivating seeds into seedlings. Plants are then provided to an area food bank for their community garden. As these plans grow in the community garden, they will be provided to individuals and families experiencing food insecurity. TRADITIONAL No specific class
P4K UNO Campus and housing(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3097) Educational Support Omaha Public Schools, Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 P4K Elementary 4th grade student’s tours with 5 schools on UNO Campus and housing once a year (annually) in the Spring. 4/20/23 and 4/21/23
P4K UNO Campus and housing (Fall 2023): 2022-23 (3098) Educational Support Omaha Public Schools, Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Middle School 8th grade students tour UNO Campus and housing once a year in the fall. 9/15/23
P4K Goodrich Program( Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3099) Educational Support Omaha Public Schools, Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 250 0 0 0 0 0 On February 3, 2023, Middle School partnered with the Goodrich Program to host a future fair at UNO's CEC, providing career resources for 5 middle schools and over 250 P4K students.
P4K Peter Kiewit Institute collaboration (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3100) Educational Support Omaha Public Schools, Partnership 4 Kids, Peter Kiewit Foundation Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 56 0 0 0 0 0 Peter Kiewit Institute collaboration – Worked with Matt Hale and PKI to deliver tour onsite college tour and STEM presentations from UNO professors in Cyber Security, Computing and various STEM fields
P4K Career networking and mock interview prep(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3101) Educational Support Omaha Public Schools, Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 30 0 0 0 0 0 In April 2023, 30 P4K students from two OPS schools attended mock interviews and career networking at CEC, with the valuable participation of UNO volunteers.
P4K Open House (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3102) Educational Support Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 32 0 0 0 0 0 Students will receive a newsletter featuring a range of opportunities, from employment to scholarships to volunteer events, ensuring that information is straightforward and accessible for all scholarship recipients.
P4K BBQ Lunch and learn (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3103) Educational Support Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 20 0 0 0 0 0 BBQ Lunch and learn
P4K Summer Bridge (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3104) Educational Support Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 50 0 0 0 0 0 The Postsecondary Team hosted a Summer Bridge event for the Class of 2023 Graduates/P4K Scholarship Recipients at UNO's campus, with sessions on the P4K scholarship, College 101, and Professional Communication, featuring representatives from UNO, UNL, MCC, and a previous P4K scholar.
P4K Underserved Law Opportunities Program(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3105) Educational Support Partnership 4 Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 25 10 0 0 0 0 In March 2023, Friends of Underserved Law Opportunities Program (ULOP) Reception, where collaboration opportunities were discussed with ULOP co-directors Mike Carroll, Troy Romero, and Destynie Sewell.
Noise Fest (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3106) Educational Support Partners for Livable Omaha Communication Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 14 0 0 0 0 0 TAPEnsemble is helping design, run, and perform a noise music festival on May 12 in collaboration with Omaha Mobile Stage, Partners for Livable Omaha, Project Project, and No Coast Noise Collective. The goals include building experience in festival planning, practicing live audio/video engineering, and composing/performing original music informed by the history and aesthetics of the noise music tradition. MUS 2740.014
Pollinator Garden (Fall 2023): 2022-23 (3107) Environmental Stewardship Conservation Nebraska Art and Art History Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 0 149 0 0 0 0 The " Pollinators Garden" Project is an exciting and educational collaboration between students from the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) alon with P-1 school. In this two-semester endeavor, UNO students enrolled in the BIOL 1330 class will work hand-in-hand with P-12 students to create a Pollinator Garden. The primary goal of this project is to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators in our ecosystem and to actively contribute to their conservation efforts. To achieve this, both UNO and P-12 students will participate in seed collection activities from the Glacier Creek and the Papillion Butterfly Garden. BIOL 1330.001 & .850
Intergenerational Academic Journal (Spring 2024): 2022-23 (3108) Educational Support La Vista West Elementary School Art and Art History, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 29 0 0 0 0 0 The "Intergenerational Academic Journal Creation" project pairs UNO students with elementary school kids to co-create a special academic journal. This initiative has two main goals: fostering collaboration between different age groups and teaching valuable academic skills like research, analysis, and argumentative writing. The project embodies the idea of connecting generations while advancing education and research. ENGL 1160.022 - 023 Direct
Communication and Leadership (Spring 2024): 2022-23 (3109) Educational Support Abide Omaha, American Cancer Society: Hope Lodge Engineering - UNL, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 23 1,150 0 0 0 0 UNO students took classroom knowledge to P-12 school, imparting essential life skills like active listening, stress management, non-verbal communication…etc. This project empowered both UNO and elementary students, promoting service engagement and bridging classroom learning with practical application, enriching education for all. ENGR 100.002 Direct
Small Groups Counseling (Fall 2023): 2022-23 (3110) Health and Wellness Omaha Home for Boys Counseling Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 22 286 0 0 0 0 Students in COUN 8740 facilitate small group counseling in multiple different settings across OPS elementary schools and Millard North Middle School. Students practice their small group counseling skills while creating engaging curriculum for their groups and presenting to small groups in the community. COUN 8740.001 Direct
The Next Generation (Fall 2023): 2022-23 (3111) Educational Support Omaha Public Schools Communication Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 14 378 0 0 0 0 Next Generation is a service learning project for Introduction to Professional Practices, undergraduate students. Each student, separately or in pairs, gave a presentation sharing information about speech-language pathology with high school students. The preference is for these presentations to be at a student's alma mater or in a diverse classroom setting (e.g., career readiness courses). The presentations were conducted in-person and students presented for a duration of 30-45 minutes. The goal of this project was for UNO students to gain public speaking skills, familiarize themselves with the profession, and educate participants about a commonly unknown profession. CDIS 4490.850 Direct
CROSS-SECTOR COLLAB LEADERSHIP: 2022-23 (3112) Social Justice Front Porch Investments College of Public Affiars and Community Service Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 13 156 0 0 0 0 Students will explore overarching topic of affordable housing (with the specific topic of Greenlining) to help apply course concepts in a specific context. We are collaborating with the non-profit organization, Front Porch Investments, which will be allocating millions of dollars in funding to improve areas within Omaha that have experienced the negative impact of redlining practices. Direct
Next Generation (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3113) Educational Support Elkhorn Public Schools, Mercy High School, Omaha Public Schools College of Education, Health, and Human Science Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 14 91 0 0 0 0 Next Generation is a service learning project for Introduction to Professional Practices, undergraduate students. Each student, separately or in pairs, gave a presentation sharing information about speech-language pathology with high school students. The preference is for these presentations to be at a student's alma mater or in a diverse classroom setting (e.g., career readiness courses). The presentations were conducted in-person and students presented for a duration of 30-45 minutes. The goal of this project was for UNO students to gain public speaking skills, familiarize themselves with the profession, and educate participants about a commonly unknown profession. CDIS 4490.850 P-16
Memory Serves (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3114) Health and Wellness Douglas County Treasurer College of Communications, Fine Arts, and Media Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 27 162 0 27 0 0 An international symposium will bring together international partners, students, healthcare and health humanities professionals, etc. to help better understand the role of relationship and community to address critical aspects of well-being, empathy, collaboration- all issues directly related to compassion and care. MEDH 1000-001
NWC Teaching Artist - Fall 2023: 2022-23 (3115) Educational Support Nebraska Writers Collective Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Eva Burklund, who began working for service learning in August 2023, continues to serve as a Teaching Artist at Westview High School, leading weekly creative writing workshops. Her service learning project took place in Fall 2022 and concluded that semester.
NWC Community Advisory Committee (Fall 2023): 2022-23 (3116) Educational Support Nebraska Writers Collective Service Learning Academy (SLA) Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zedeka, who joined the Tell All the Truth Advisory Committee in May 2023, is currently serving on the committee and will continue to do so until at least May 2024, facilitating connections with local artists and performance spaces, and linking them with programs such as the Nebraska Youth Poet Laureate program.
All Writes Reserved (Fall 2023): 2022-23 (3117) Educational Support Nebraska Writers Collective Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 We collaborated with STEPs (Angela Batson) to revise our All Writes Reserved survey questions and logic model from September to November 2022, then sought guidance from Jody Gabel for developing the logic model and evaluation tools for the North Omaha Writers Workshop program.
Collaborative Intern Omaha African Chamber: 2022-23 (3120) Social Justice Midlands African Chamber Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 2 720 0 0 0 0 UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
ABIDE Second Saturdays (Fall 2022) Social Justice Abide Omaha Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 6 174 1 0 0 1 Food and Water Security Students in this course will be working with Abide, a local area non-profit through their food distribution event "Second Saturdays." Students will be able to participate in the distribution event or support the preparations the Thursday before to organize supplies for distribution. In so doing, they will have a sense of the kind of direct service Abide offers within the North Omaha community. Traditional service learning project. SOWK 1500.001
Winter Festival: 2022-23 (3144) Health and Wellness Autism Society of NE College of Education, Health, and Human Science Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 24 312 0 0 0 0 UNO speech-language pathology (SLP) graduate students had the opportunity to engage in a service learning project encompassing interdisciplinary collaboration with Creighton occupational therapy (OT) students. UNO and Creighton students designed activities for participants on the autism spectrum to build upon various gross motor and speech skills during the Autism Society of Nebraska (ASN) Winter Festival. UNO graduate students applied knowledge gained through course content and presentations to this project.
SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMS (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3155) Educational Support Completely Kids College of Education, Health, and Human Science Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 28 456 0 0 0 0 School Health students work with Completely Kids in after school activities. PHHB 4060.001 P-16
INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3156) Educational Support Great Plains Theatre Commons, Learning for ALL, Omaha Girls Rock Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 17 277 0 0 0 0 Students employ classical and structured techniques to analyze, design, and develop an information system to solve a business issue for small businesses or non-profits. Students present the necessary documentation to the business manager or CEO at the end of the semester. TRADITIONAL ISQA 4110.001
ADV STAT METHODS FOR IS&T(Fall 2023): 2022-23 (3157) Educational Support Learning for ALL, Muddy Paws Second Chance Rescue, Omaha Girls Rock Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 26 423 0 0 0 0 Students apply statistical procedures and utilize statistic computer packages to conduct statistical analysis, calculations, and interpretations on various design experiments and complex cases. ISQA 8156.820 TRADITIONAL
Women and Religion (Fall 2023): 2022-23 (3158) Educational Support Benson Theater, Jewish Federation of Omaha (JCC) Art and Art History Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 4 65 0 0 0 0 Students examine the historical, cultural, and religious contexts that highlight women’s involvement or exclusion from activity and power within each religion. Students meet with women religious leaders and research case studies from around the world to examine tensions within and between religious and secular societies through the lens of gender. RELI 4600.001 TRADITIONAL
Programs and Services (For Elderly) -Fall 2023: 2022-23 (3159) Social Justice Alzheimer's Association, Nebraska Chapter, YMCA Association Center for Public Affairs Research Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 21 342 0 0 0 0 Students choose an agency to interview and ask what challenges or problems the agency is currently facing. Students then conduct research on the best practices to address this challenge and write a report with these findings. The report is shared with the agency. TRADITIONAL GERO 8676.850
MBA Project-Focused Capstone (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3162) Educational Support FitCulture Business Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 13 219 0 0 0 0 Students provide business-oriented consulting services in areas such as strategic planning, finance, marketing, supply chains, and human resource management for small and medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit organizations in the Omaha area. BSAD 8800.821
Principles of PR (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3163) Educational Support Live On Nebraska Fine Arts Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 25 407 0 0 0 0 Students create a PR strategy, including an individual tactic, that meets a community partner's needs. The PR Strategy is presented by the student to the community partners at the end of the semester. TRADITIONAL JMC 3230.001
Strategic Writing(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3164) Educational Support Abide Omaha, Caroles House of Hope, Restored Wings, WhyArts Art and Art History, Music Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 15 244 0 0 0 0 Students develop advertising strategies for community partners by crafting persuasive messages for their target audiences through pre-writing, preparation, and editing. JMC 4250.860 TRADITIONAL
Teaching Dance in the Schools(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3165) Health and Wellness Abide Omaha, American Cancer Society: Hope Lodge Human Sciences, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 9 146 0 0 0 0 Physical education pedagogy majors, elementary teachers, and recreation leaders understand the fundamentals of a variety of rhythmic and creative dance activities. They then focus on how to incorporate them into their teaching methods for students in preschool through twelfth grade. KINS 3300.001
African American Politics(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3166) Educational Support Benson High School, Omaha Public Schools, Malcolm X Memorial Foundation Human Sciences Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 12 195 0 0 0 0 Students examine the evolution of the Black political experience, with emphasis on the fight against enslavement, segregation, lynchings and mass incarceration, and the long struggle of African Americans against institutional and structural racism in the American political system PSCI 3120 BLST 3120.001
Early Childhood Assessment (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3167) Educational Support Sarpy County Human Sciences Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None None 10 163 0 0 0 0 Students provide assessments for the young children in early development stages at Sarpy County Head Start. Students also work collaboratively with teachers and caregivers to conduct social-emotional learning lessons for the classroom. At the end of the semester, students write and present a report on interventions and progress monitoring that is distributed to the Head Start administrator. P-16 PSYC 8530.001
Politics of Human Rights (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3168) Educational Support Scholastic Corporation College of Communications, Fine Arts, and Media Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 25 407 0 0 0 0 In partnership with Scholars At Risk (SAR), students research the case for one or more imprisoned scholar(s) and create an advocacy campaign for the scholars’ release. These campaigns include social media, writing articles, organizing panels, lobbying, and other ways to engage. Students analyze human rights situations and author advocacy reports. PSCI 3240.850
Advanced Systems Analysis and Design(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3169) Educational Support Defense Intelligence Agency Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 10 163 0 0 0 0 Students in this course gain hands¬on experience working with the Department of Defense (DOD) and Intelligence Community (IC) on unclassified live problems. These projects help to rapidly address the nation’s emerging threats and security challenges and provide a space for students to impact the greater Department of Defense and Intelligence communities. ISQA 8220.001 Traditional
Collaborative Interns Coalition Rx (2658) Social Justice Coalition Rx Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 3 1,080 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Creative Arts in Early Childhood Education(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3179) Educational Support WhyArts College of Education, Health, and Human Science Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 23 379 0 0 0 0 Early childhood teacher candidates partner with Why Arts to prepare and implement creative and expressive arts curriculum to assist with learning development in the classroom. Traditional TED 2370.001
Puente Al Exito (Fall 2022 Section 2) Educational Support Learning Community Center of South Omaha Service Learning Academy (SLA), Teacher Education Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 7 259 1 0 0 1 Early Childhood Education UNO Students enrolled in Intro to Teaching ESL classes will participate in a service learning project in collaboration with the Learning Community Center of South Omaha (LCC) for six weeks. UNO students engage with LCC families weekly to explore topics of educational support, parent resources, and overall wellness to better support their children’s learning careers. UNO students travel to the LCC for the first session. UNO students will host LCC families on UNO’s Dodge Campus and Scott Campus for tours, educational sessions and a final celebration. p-16 service learning project TED 2050.002
Foundations of Public Speaking (Fall 2022 Section 043): 2022-23 (2794) Educational Support Civic Nebraska, Omaha Street School, Stand for Schools, The Wellbeing Partners Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 25 275 0 0 0 4 Education Students will be required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students will talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students will each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech as to how the nonprofit is contributing to the area of focus, they chose for the informative speech. The nonprofits they choose will have a civic engagement focus. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to receive the $1000 grant. MPI service learning project CMST 1110.043 Foundations of Public Speaking (Fall 2022 Section 043)
Leadership Workshop for Union Leaders (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2728) Economic Impact, Educational Support Douglas County Overdose Fatality Review Board, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge, International Association of Firefighters Local 385, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1483, Millard Education Assocation, Omaha Federation of Labor, Plumbers Local 16, Steamfitters Local 464, Western Iowa Labor Federation William Brennan Institute for Labor Studies Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 30 Education, Employment and Workforce, Capacity Building Leadership Workshop for Union Leaders. This will be an annual event every fall.
Durango Days (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2732) Educational Support, Social Justice Coalition Rx, Elevate Omaha Inc, Inclusive Communities, Learning for ALL, NAMI Nebraska, The Wellbeing Partners, WhyArts Maverick Food Pantry, Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Knowledge and Resource Sharing Other None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building CEC Building Partner Organizations interacted with hundreds of UNO students, allowing them to learn more about volunteer opportunities and needs in the community. Organizations were able to share their missions and activities in order for students to think about how they can get involved. Organizations reported that students took the information, and many see opportunities for follow-up engagement.
Civil Justice (Fall 2022) Social Justice Spark CDI Engineering and Construction, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 38 38 1 0 0 1 Inclusion, Diversity & Equity CIVE 101.001 students will better understand the role that civil engineers have on communities by exploring the history of redlining in Omaha. Students will create a mapping and/or planning project after touring the Undesign the Redline exhibit and hearing about the history of redlining from SLA’s very own, Terri Crawford. Traditional service learning project CIVE 101-001
College Conversations (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2795) Educational Support Jackson Elementary School, Omaha Public Schools Service Learning Academy (SLA), Success Academy Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 19 0 0 0 0 0 Early Childhood Education UNO Success Academy students collaborate with 6th grade students from Jackson Elementary. The gathering includes presentations, a campus tour, and conversations about college. P-16 service learning project US 1010.002
Omaha Table Talk: 2022-23 (2735) Social Justice Inclusive Communities Tribal Management and Emergency Services Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 25 Disadvantaged Populations Omaha Table Talk centered on Native and Indegenous identities. Hosted event in CEC space. Panelists included Christina Running Hawk Ellison of the Lakota Oglala Sioux, Jordan Zendejas of the Umo Ho Tribe of Nebraska, Grace Johnson of the Oglala Lakota, and moderated by Echohawk Lefthand of the Diné Tribe. Panelists discussed concerns around the appropriation of native and indigenous cultures, specifically addressing the importance of medicines and their sustainability, missing, and murdered Indigenous women, and mascots. The afternoon concluded with panelists encouraging the audience to learn about native and Indigenous history and culture. They reminded the audience that it is okay to appreciate the culture and heritage of native and Indigenous peoples without appropriating and changing the narrative
Omaha Table Talk: 2022-23 (2734) Social Justice 75 North, Aksarben Village Senior Living, Dial Senior Living Tribal Management and Emergency Services Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disadvantaged Populations Omaha Table Talk centered on Native and Indegenous identities. Hosted event in CEC space. Panelists included Christina Running Hawk Ellison of the Lakota Oglala Sioux, Jordan Zendejas of the Umo Ho Tribe of Nebraska, Grace Johnson of the Oglala Lakota, and moderated by Echohawk Lefthand of the Diné Tribe. Panelists discussed concerns around the appropriation of native and indigenous cultures, specifically addressing the importance of medicines and their sustainability, missing, and murdered Indigenous women, and mascots. The afternoon concluded with panelists encouraging the audience to learn about native and Indigenous history and culture. They reminded the audience that it is okay to appreciate the culture and heritage of native and Indigenous peoples without appropriating and changing the narrative
Prescription Drug Takeback UNO Event (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2733) Health and Wellness Coalition Rx Public Safety Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNO Police and Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC) building partner, Coalition Rx, will host a special event for UNO students, faculty, and staff to safely dispose of prescription drugs.
Omaha Table Talk: Preserving LGTBAIA2 History (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2738) Social Justice Inclusive Communities UNO Libraries Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 56 Queer Table Talk in partnerhsip with OutNebraska centered on how to preserve LGBTQIA2S+ history specifically in Nebraska. Hosted in CEC Space. Panelists included Amy Schindler, archivist at UNO’s Queer Archives, Jordan Miller who is a Collections Registrar at History Nebraska, Sarah Phelps, Executive Director of Owlish and moderated by Abbi Swatsworth, Executive Director of OutNebraska. Panelists discussed the importance preserving stories from the LGBTQIA2+ community and the ways in which language surrounding the LGBTQIA2+ community has changed over time. The afternoon concluded with panelists encouraging the audience to truly listen to the stories of those around them because history is happening now
UNO Dialogue Project: Voter Advocacy (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2739) Social Justice Inclusive Communities Gender and Sexuality Resource Center Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 25 Conversation in partnership with Jessi Hitchens and the UNO Gender and Sexuality resource center tackling the issue of voting and voting access, specifically among young people. Panelists included Nate Johnson (UNO Student), Tori Simms (UNO Student), and Toni Monette (League of Women Voters). Panelists discussed ways in which young people can participate in voter advocacy for themselves and networks. The discussion ultimately ended with folks strategizing how to further this conversation and get more college students activated in democratic processes.
Omaha Table Talk: Celebrating Native and Indigenous Cultures without Appropriating (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2742) Social Justice Inclusive Communities Tribal Management and Emergency Services Knowledge and Resource Sharing Community-oriented lecture/event None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 25 Omaha Table Talk centered on Native and Indigenous identities. Hosted event in CEC space. Panelists included Christina Running Hawk Ellison of the Lakota Oglala Sioux, Jordan Zendejas of the Umo Ho Tribe of Nebraska, Grace Johnson of the Oglala Lakota, and moderated Echohawk Lefthand of the Diné Tribe. Panelists discussed concerns around the appropriation of native and indigenous cultures, specifically addressing the importance of medicines and their sustainability, missing, and murdered Indigenous women, and mascots. The afternoon concluded with panelists encouraging the audience to learn about native and Indigenous history and culture. They reminded the audience that it is okay to appreciate the culture and heritage of native and Indigenous peoples without appropriating and changing the narrative.
Making a Playful City (Fall 2022 Section 2) Educational Support Girls Inc. Service Learning Academy (SLA), Teacher Education Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 26 195 1 0 0 1 Early Childhood Education Students are a part of Play in Early Childhood Inclusive Education. In this project UNO students will develop an understanding of children in play; an understanding of cognitive, social, and communicative stages related to developmental theory through play. P-16 service learning project TED 2350-002
DEA Takeback 2022 (Fall 2022) Health and Wellness Coalition Rx, Drug Enforcement Agency-Omaha Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC), Public Safety Knowledge and Resource Sharing Event / Exhibit / Performance None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 15 Substance Abuse UNO Police and Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC) building partner, Coalition Rx, will host a special event for UNO students, faculty, and staff to safely dispose of prescription drugs. This event is a special opportunity for the campus community only and is connected to the Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA) Nationwide prescription drug take back event that happens twice annually. To learn more about all other locations and take back events, visit
Collaborative Interns: Highlander Corporation Economic Impact Highlander Corporation Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 1 360 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Space and Awareness (Fall 2022) Arts, Culture and Humanities Canopy South Honors Program, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 19 247 1 0 0 1 Humanities Students will develop their ability to situate themselves in space and place by considering how they exist in and are therefore constituted by their own context. Students will consider what it means to share space, public space in particular. They will be introduced to various conceptualizations of community and responsibility, conceptualizations that will add to direct engagement with place. Traditional service learning project HONR 1130-099
Collaborative Interns: 75 North Economic Impact 75 North Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 1 360 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Collaborative Interns: Balloon Elite Basketball Health and Wellness Balloon Elite Basketball Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 2 720 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Collaborative Interns: SPARK Economic Impact Spark CDI Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 1 360 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Collaborative Interns: Midlands African Chamber Social Justice Midlands African Chamber Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 1 360 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Planning for Effective Teaching Nonprofit Speaker (Fall 2022) Educational Support Education Rights Counsel (ERC) Special Education and Communication Disorders Knowledge and Resource Sharing Course None Fall 2022-23 2022 2022-23 19 0 1 0 0 1 Other Nonprofit leader from Education Rights Council shared important insights for the course Planning for Effective Teaching class regarding SPED. Course TED 2400-003.
Digital Marketing Communications (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2796) Educational Support Everyday Science and Science Support Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 16 208 0 0 0 0 For NebDev LLC, UNO students will work in small groups as a "consulting firm" to create a new digital presence for the brand. Groups will then "pitch" their strategy to NebDev LLC at the end of the semester. For Everyday Science, UNO students will work in small groups to evaluate Everyday Science's current digital marketing efforts, develop a digital marketing plan, and write a letter with the purpose of explaining why and how the strategy needs to be improved. Groups will then present their strategy. Traditional service learning project MKT 3360.001
NAMI Mental Health Awareness and Stigma (Fall 2022) Health and Wellness NAMI Nebraska Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 2022 2022-23 6 180 1 0 0 1 Mental Health Students in this Social Work course will work with a local chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness to raise awareness and mitigate stigma surrounding mental health through tabling on campus and in the community. Additionally, students provide support through letter-writing campaigns for folks currently receiving in-patient treatment. Traditional service learning project. SOWK 1500.001
Needs Assessment for Gateway Elementary (Fall 2022) Health and Wellness Gateway Elementary School, Omaha Public Schools Health and Kinesiology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 6 24 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building UNO students create a needs assessment and implement a wellness plan for staff at Gateway Elementary. In doing so, students in this course are able to provide educators with tools to support a healthy lifestyle. Traditional service learning project. KINS 4200.850 + 8206.850
Lead in Spice (Fall 2022 Section 2) Environmental Stewardship Douglas County Department of Health & Human Services Chemistry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 23 253 1 0 0 1 Climate and Sustainability Lead (a neurotoxin) can be found in household spices. In coordination with the Douglas County Health Department (DCHD), students in CHEM 1144 will collect spice samples from local area families. The samples will then be tested during lab time to determine the presence of lead. This lead testing provides a valuable service to DCHD; who share the results of the tests and information about lead poisoning with the families in our community. Traditional service learning project. CHEM 1144.002
Lead in Spice (Fall 2022 Section 3) Environmental Stewardship Douglas County Department of Health & Human Services Chemistry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 7 77 1 0 0 1 Climate and Sustainability Lead (a neurotoxin) can be found in household spices. In coordination with the Douglas County Health Department (DCHD), students in CHEM 1144 will collect spice samples from local area families. The samples will then be tested during lab time to determine the presence of lead. This lead testing provides a valuable service to DCHD; who share the results of the tests and information about lead poisoning with the families in our community. Traditional service learning project CHEM 1144.003
Lead in Spice (Fall 2022 Section 1) Environmental Stewardship Douglas County Department of Health & Human Services Chemistry, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 24 264 1 0 0 1 Climate and Sustainability Lead (a neurotoxin) can be found in household spices. In coordination with the Douglas County Health Department (DCHD), students in CHEM 1144 will collect spice samples from local area families. The samples will then be tested during lab time to determine the presence of lead. This lead testing provides a valuable service to DCHD; who share the results of the tests and information about lead poisoning with the families in our community. Traditional service learning project CHEM 1144.001
Puente Al Exito (Fall 2022 Section 1) Educational Support Learning Community Center of South Omaha Service Learning Academy (SLA), Teacher Education Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 18 666 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building UNO Students enrolled in TED 2050: Intro to Teaching ESL classes will participate in a service learning project in collaboration with the Learning Community Center of South Omaha (LCC) for six weeks. UNO students will engage with LCC families weekly to explore topics of educational support, parent resources, and overall wellness to better support their children’s learning careers. UNO students will travel to the LCC for the first session. UNO students will host LCC families on UNO’s Dodge Campus and Scott Campus for tours, educational sessions and a final celebration. P-16 service learning project TED 2050.001
Resource Development & Training Presentations (Fall 2022) Educational Support Phoenix Academy Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 18 216 1 0 0 1 Early Childhood Education Students in this course will develop their professional communication skills by working with Phoenix Academy seventh and eighth graders. UNO communications students will be creating relevant professional development content to present to the Phoenix students to help them prepare for high school and beyond. P-16 service learning project CMST 3130.001
Business Luncheon (Fall 2022) Educational Support Life Launch Academy Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 8 180 1 0 0 1 Education CMST 3130 students learn about business etiquette in class and from Mary Beth Budz from Life Launch. They use their new skills to teach other UNO students at a large-scale event in MBSC about business etiquette with opportunities to network with commuity business professionals. Traditional service learning project CMST 3130.860
Enrichment for Zoo Field Trips (Fall 2022) Educational Support Learning Community Center of South Omaha Service Learning Academy (SLA), Teacher Education Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 52 3,926 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building This material is provided by University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Teaching Education 4290 “Science and Math in ECE” instructed by Dr. Melany Spiehs. This project was supported by the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Service Learning Academy, housed in the Community Engagement Center (CEC) on Dodge Campus. The students who created this material are teacher candidates that also engaged in individual practicums in the Omaha community where they connected this knowledge base. The focus of this resource is to position a field trip to the Henry Doorly Zoo as a mechanism for amplifying the rich inquiry-based learning that is occurring in your classroom. These materials are provided to support the teacher and learners before, during, and after the field trip by incorporating STEM concepts and principles. P-16 service learning project TED 4290.001 & .002
Foundations in Public Health (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2789) Health and Wellness Child Saving Institute, Project harmony Health and Kinesiology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 43 1,118 0 0 0 0 Wellness, Aging, Business Students will work in small groups with select community partners during the second half of their semester for their final course project. With this project, UNO Students will create a project based on the needs of that organization. Students will be learning about service leadership and will present how they used leadership/course content in their service work. Students will also spend 16-20 hours in service, depending on your organization's needs. At the end of the semester, students will vote for one organization to receive the $1000 grant. MPI service learning project PHHB 1500.850
Connecting Through Culture (Fall 2022) Arts, Culture and Humanities Benson High School, Omaha Public Schools Service Learning Academy (SLA), Teacher Education Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 7 42 1 17 110 1 Education UNO students that are teacher candidates visit Benson High School two times each to observe the Benson ESL class that discusses culture and personal immigration stories. They sit in to listen to presentations and provide any insight on what culture means around the world. UNO students helped the ESL students learn what culture is and how to feel more confident expressing their culture in the classroom. This allows the UNO students to practice teacher education skills in real time. UNO students come to a final celebration to celebrate with students on their findings and personal interviews with someone they know about culture. P-16 service learning project TED 2050.002
GEOG 1020 Redlining (Fall 2022) Social Justice Benson High School, Omaha Public Schools Geography & Geology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 23 667 1 70 700 2 Capacity Building GEOG 1020 assists Benson HS students with comparing historical Redlining maps and current COVID data. p-16 service learning project GEOG 1020.860
Supporting your Child’s Social-Emotional Development (Fall 2022) Health and Wellness Learning Community Center of North Omaha Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 6 138 1 0 0 1 Mental Health UNO students will provide two sessions to the children and parents at the Learning Community Center of North Omaha on social emotional topics. UNO students will add to curriculum and aim to increase parental engagement and interest. Traditional service learning project PSYC 9560.850
Job Analysis (Fall 2022) Educational Support Youth Emergency Services Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 9 198 1 0 0 1 Capacity Building UNO students will be divided into three groups and paired with an organization to conduct job analysis through interviews. The students will come together at the end of the semester and give a presentation on their findings in how the company can implement changes with each job description. The organization Y.E.S. has four positions that they would like students to analyze. Traditional service learning project PSYC 9660.001
Laboratory in Psych (Fall 2022 Section 1) Educational Support Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 13 351 1 0 0 1 Wildlife/Animal Welfare UNO Students will explore animal behavior at the Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. The project will start in October, where students will visit the Zoo to learn about four species. The student will spend time researching and learn about enrichment. Traditional service learning project PSYC 4024.001
Soil and Water Analysis (Fall 2022) Environmental Stewardship City Sprouts, North High, Omaha Public Schools Geography & Geology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) None None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 20 160 1 45 270 2 STEM/STEM Education Honor students from North High School will partner with UNO students to conduct a soil analysis and water quality report. Students will focus on lab skills and techniques while researching how the water quality differs in various zip codes. P-16 service learning project GEOL 4330.001
Adopt a Classroom (Fall 2022) Educational Support Washington Elementary, Omaha Public Schools Service Learning Academy (SLA), Success Academy Service Learning Mentoring None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 12 144 1 40 120 1 Civic and Political Engagement This project is a yearlong project where UNO Young Scholars have partnered with fourth-grade students from Washington Elementary School. This project reinforces the goals of the Young Scholars to perform service in the community that coincides with their college experience while also allowing early college exposure to fourth grade students. P-16 service learning project
Laboratory in Psych (Fall 2022) Educational Support Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 210 1 0 0 1 Wildlife/Animal Welfare UNO Students will explore animal behavior at the Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. The project will start in October, where students will visit the Zoo to learn about four species. The student will spend time researching and learn about enrichment. Traditional service learning project PSYC 4280.860
Religion and Human Rights (Fall 2022) Arts, Culture and Humanities Intercultural Senior Center, Tri-Faith Initiative Philosophy and Religious Studies, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 25 237 1 0 0 2 Capacity Building The project is built around service in the Tri-Faith orchard, integrated with learning about intersections between space and land use, interreligious dialogue, sustainability, and concern for human rights. In the classroom, the students studied topics including indigenous rights and land as well as human rights in general. Traditional service learning project RELI 2020.001
Winter Festival (Fall 2022) Social Justice Autism Society of NE Service Learning Academy (SLA), Teacher Education Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 10 245 1 0 0 1 Develop./Physical Disability UNO speech-language pathology (SLP) graduate students had the opportunity to engage in a service learning project encompassing interdisciplinary collaboration with Creighton occupational therapy (OT) students. UNO and Creighton students designed activities for participants on the autism spectrum to build upon various gross motor and speech skills during the Autism Society of Nebraska (ASN) Winter Festival. UNO graduate students applied knowledge gained through course content and presentations to this project. P-16 service learning project CDIS 8540.001
2023 MLK Day of Service: 2022-23 (2780) Social Justice Hope Center For Kids, Open Door Mission, Project harmony, Refugee Empowerment Center, Siena Francis House, Stephen Center, WhyArts, Women's Center for Advancement, Youth Emergency Services Volunteer and Civic Engagement Programs Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 30 120 0 10 0 110 Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Students, faculty, staff, and community partners are invited to participate in UNO's 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. 2023 Theme "Beloved Community" - Dr. King's philosophy is that a beloved community is one where economic and social justice is inclusive and provides everyone the ability to live a high quality of life. • Number of Total Volunteer Participants = 150 • Number of Community Organizations Served = 8 • Number of UNO Students/Staff/Faculty/Alumni = 55 • Volunteer Representation across the Omaha Community : Volunteers were a part of 11 Unique Community Organizations
Sharing Books and Stories (Fall 2022) Educational Support Hartman Elementary School, Omaha Public Schools Service Learning Academy (SLA), Teacher Education Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 13 227 1 0 0 1 Early Childhood Education This service learning project for speech-language pathology (SLP) graduate students was centered around supporting emerging literacy and language development in Hartman Elementary preschool. SLP students crafted a 15-minute activity that revolved around a children’s book; the activity incorporated lessons from class content. P-16 service learning project CDIS 8590.001
Principles of Marketing (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2798) Educational Support Omaha Skills Connection Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 40 560 0 0 0 0 Develop./Physical Disability For Omaha Skills Connections, UNO students will provide marketing support (specifically regarding branding, recruiting job seekers, and recruiting employers). Traditional service learning project MKT 3310.820
Making a Playful City (Fall 2022 Section 1) Educational Support Girls Inc. Service Learning Academy (SLA), Teacher Education Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 26 195 1 0 0 1 Early Childhood Education Students are a part of Play in Early Childhood Inclusive Education. In this project UNO students will develop an understanding of children in play; an understanding of cognitive, social, and communicative stages related to developmental theory through play. P-16 service learning project TED 2350-001
Social Media Marketing (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2797) Educational Support Everyday Science and Science Support, SAC Museum Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 23 299 0 0 0 2 Business/Business Development For the SAC Museum, UNO students will work in small groups as a "consulting firm" to run an 11-week social media campaign for the brand. Groups will then "pitch" their strategy to the SAC Museum at the end of the semester. For Everyday Science, UNO students will work in small groups to audit the company's current social media marketing efforts, develop a social media marketing plan, and write a letter with the purpose of explaining why and how the strategy needs to be improved. Groups will then present their strategy. Traditional service learning project MKT 3370.001
Small Group (Fall 2022 Section 001): 2022-23 (2792) Educational Support CenterPointe, Culxr House, Phoenix Academy, Stephen Center, Survivors Rising Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 24 504 0 0 0 5 Other Students will be divided into 4 groups, with each group working with one non-profit. Students will be responsible for finding organizations through ShareOmaha. The students will then reach out to the nonprofit of their choice and initiate contact. Students will work on a research paper based on the non-profit and what the non-profit does for the community. The students will then interview the nonprofit. Students will then work on a campaign on social media to help the non-profit reach their goals. Lastly, at the end of the semester, the students will vote for one nonprofit to receive the $1000 grant.. MPI service learning project CMST 2410.001
Persuasion and Social Influence (Fall 2022) Economic Impact City Sprouts, Omaha Bridges Out of Poverty Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 21 336 0 0 0 0 Poverty This project will focus on working with community partners whose primary mission is to work with those in the community who are experiencing poverty.  Students will use theories learned in class along with research to provide an analysis of partner campaign or website content to provide feedback for improvement. Students serve as consultants to organizations and provide feedback to client. This project will prioritize poverty in our community. Students will review identified written materials (reports, fliers, website, campaign materials, etc.). They will develop a video presentation that will be shared with the organization that will include a summary of their recommendations as well as a case for support for their organization. The class will vote on one of the organizations who will receive the $1,000 MPI grant. MPI service learning project CMST 4510.001
Leadership and Community (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2787) Educational Support Food Bank for the Heartland Educational Leadership, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 20 460 1 0 0 1 Leadership and Mentoring Scholars will select one organization to partner with and develop a project that meets the organization's needs. Students must have a minimum of 20 -25 hours of service-learning project (SLP) time during the semester. Service hours will be integrated into class time throughout the semester, though students will have to complete some of the required hours outside of the designated class time. A capstone project presentation will provide an overview of the community partner, its mission, and what leadership skills and strategies students utilized to assist the partner throughout the semester. MPI service learning project EDL 2590.099
Entrepreneurial Selling (Fall 2022) Economic Impact Grow Nebraska Women's Business Center, Metro Omaha Women's Business Center, Nebraska Enterprise Fund Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 19 817 1 0 0 3 Business/Business Development Students will work in small groups with a member/real business owner from one of these organizations where in the end, they will develop a Sales Plan for their partner. They will be meeting 3 times in class over the semester with the non profits. Each non profit will prepare a 45 minute workshop presentation to have the partnership be a give/get relationship. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to receive the $1000 grant. MPI service learning project ENTR 4760.001
Foundations of Public Speaking (Fall 2022 Section 023): 2022-23 (2793) Educational Support Civic Nebraska, Omaha Street School, Stand for Schools, The Wellbeing Partners Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 25 525 0 0 0 4 Education Students will be required to give two speeches for this course - an informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In the informative speech, the students will talk about their research on the different areas of improvement within the community. Following this speech, the students will each choose a nonprofit of their choice and give a persuasive speech as to how the nonprofit is contributing to the area of focus they chose for the informative speech. At the end of the semester, the students will vote for one organization to recieve the $1000 grant. MPI service learning project CMST 1110.023 Foundations of Public Speaking (Fall 2022 Section 023)
African American Psychology (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2790) Social Justice Boys and Girls Club of the Midlands, Culxr House, Urban League of Nebraska Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 35 385 0 0 0 1 Inclusion, Diversity & Equity The purpose of this project is for UNO college students to develop their understanding of African American psychology through the student philanthropy model of service learning. UNO students are seeking organizations that are Black-led and Black-focused. Students will work with select community partners during the semester for their final course project. With this project, UNO students will be required to volunteer for a minimum of 5 hours and do something tangible in the community. Volunteer opportunities will be based on the needs of the organization. Students will be learning about service leadership and will present how they used leadership/course content in their service work. For the final presentation, students will do their own independent research into the organization and present that along with their experiences volunteering for the organization of their choice. At the end of the semester, students will vote for one organization to receive the $1000 grant. MPI service learning course PSYC 4150.850
Art Appreciation (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2791) Social Justice Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Durham Museum, El Museo Latino, Kaneko, The Union for Contemporary Art Fine Arts, UNO Libraries, Weber Fine Arts Gallery Service Learning Course None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 21 462 0 0 0 0 History Throughout the semester, students will visit various art organizations in the local community. They will then discuss the organizations' missions, venue, areas of improvement. etc. At the end of the semester, the class will then vote for one organization to receive the $1000 MPI grant. MPI service learning project ART 1010.99
Behavior Analysis & Interventions (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3304) Educational Support Bellevue Public Schools, Bennington Elementary School, La Vista Jr High School, Omaha Public Schools, Ralston High School Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 10 163 0 0 0 0 Students are matched with a school psychologist or behavior consultant and classroom teacher from a school within the Omaha/Council Bluffs metro area. Students observe and consult a school-age student throughout the semester to practice functional assessment techniques on a real case, view student behavior in light of operant conditions, and then recommend and model changes to existing behavior support plans. PSYC 8576.001 P-16
Tech, Science & Civilization (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3305) Educational Support Prairie STEM Engineering and Construction, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 18 293 0 0 0 0 Students support Prairie STEM with their outreach efforts through designing an Arduino based STEMBoT 2 of an educational robot used for K-12 STEM community outreach. Students also assist with the completion of the Sustainable Small Home for a future open house tour. ENGR 469.001 P-16
MBA PROJECT-FOCUSED CAPSTONE -001(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3306) Educational Support Football for the World Foundation, Omaha Integrative Care Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 13 211 0 0 0 0 Students provide business-oriented consulting services in areas such as strategic planning, finance, marketing, supply chains, and human resource management for small and medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit organizations in the Omaha area. BSAD 8800.820 TRADITIONAL
Capstone Project (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3307) Educational Support Brunswick School Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 50 815 0 0 0 0 Students work on a team-based real-world project, practicing software engineering skills and applying fundamental computer science principles acquired throughout their undergraduate study. CSCI 4970.001 TRADITIONAL
Social Media Measurement & Management(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3308) Educational Support Douglas County Health Department Fine Arts Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 15 244 0 0 0 0 Students propose comprehensive social media planning and create sample content for clients. JMC 4040.820 TRADITIONAL
JMC Capstone I (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3309) Educational Support Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands, Omaha Sister Cities Association Art and Art History, Music, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 12 195 0 0 0 0 Students develop integrated marketing communication campaigns and a three month run in PR agency life by producing content for clients. JMC 4450.860 TRADITIONAL
NONPROFIT ORGS & MGMT (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3310) Educational Support AIM Institute Social Work Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 21 342 0 0 0 0 PA 3500 undergraduate students created Equity Audits for non-profits in various departments (from HR to philanthropy). Students were divided into three groups and collaborated with one of three community partners. Each group conducted two (60-minute) interviews with the organizations and asked them to complete a survey at the end of the semester. Students had the opportunity to hear from several guest lecturers about non-profit management through the DEAI lens. PA 3500
DATA ANALYSIS FROM SCRATCH (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3311) Educational Support Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum Business Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 11 179 0 0 0 0 Econometrics is routinely taught as an application class using a 'black box' like Stata or SAS to perform calculations. This class takes a different approach. Using the Python programming language, we build all estimators from scratch. Additionally, we introduce numerous non-parametric and simulation techniques. This approach to econometrics results in a stronger understanding of statistical assumptions and methods, a better understanding of when a method is appropriate, and stronger programming techniques. Furthermore, a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanics provides the student the ability to program custom procedures not already built into popular software packages. As part of the course, students will work with a community partner to answer a real question with data; MBA students should consult with their advisor about this course satisfying the project-focused capstone requirement. ECON 8330.001
DATA ANALYSIS FROM SCRATCH -001(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (3312) Educational Support StoveTeam International Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 None 7 114 0 0 0 0 Econometrics is routinely taught as an application class using a 'black box' like Stata or SAS to perform calculations. This class takes a different approach. Using the Python programming language, we build all estimators from scratch. Additionally, we introduce numerous non-parametric and simulation techniques. This approach to econometrics results in a stronger understanding of statistical assumptions and methods, a better understanding of when a method is appropriate, and stronger programming techniques. Furthermore, a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanics provides the student the ability to program custom procedures not already built into popular software packages. As part of the course, students will work with a community partner to answer a real question with data; MBA students should consult with their advisor about this course satisfying the project-focused capstone requirement. ECON 8330.820
INTRO TOPICS BIOLOGY (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3313) Educational Support Yellowstone National Park College of Arts and Sciences, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 11 179 0 0 0 0 This is course is a lecture and/or laboratory course for Biology and non-Biology majors pertaining to a specific biological topic not available in the regular curriculum. For winter 2023, students traveled to Yellowstone National Park and participated in a research project. BIOL 2030.820 TRADITIONAL
SMNR:ASSESSMT & CURRICULUM DSN (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3314) Educational Support Crestridge International Studies and Dual Language School, Omaha Public Schools College of Arts and Sciences, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 10 163 0 0 0 0 This course will familiarize (future) language educators with current trends in the assessment of language skills as well as expose them to the design, implementation, and evaluation of second language curricula. FLNG 8040.850 P-16
SYSTEM DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3315) Educational Support The Right Reflection Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 11 179 0 0 0 0 This is the second course in a sequence in computer information systems analysis, design, and implementation. This course extends the basic foundations of systems development started in ISQA 4110 and examines the activities comprising the design, construction and implementation of information systems. ISQA 4120.001
SYSTEM DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION-001(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3316) Educational Support The Right Reflection Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 42 684 0 0 0 0 This is the second course in a sequence in computer information systems analysis, design, and implementation. This course extends the basic foundations of systems development started in ISQA 4110 and examines the activities comprising the design, construction and implementation of information systems. ISQA 4120.850
ADV STAT METHODS FOR IS&T(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3317) Educational Support Omaha Girls Rock Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 18 293 0 0 0 0 This course emphasizes the application and interpretation of statistical methods including design of experiments, analysis of variance, multiple regression, and nonparametric procedures and the use of statistical computer packages. The intent is to develop quantitative abilities needed for quantitatively intensive jobs and for advanced study in management information systems, computer science and information technology. (Cross-listed with ISQA 8156) ISQA 4150.820
PSYCH OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3318) Educational Support Project harmony College of Arts and Sciences, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 10 163 0 0 0 0 The content of this course will focus on children who are identified as "exceptional"; in terms of behavioral, cognitive, and learning problems. Exceptionality in this sense includes students who are in need of preventative and/or intervention-based services. The topics will be approached from a multidisciplinary perspective and emphasis will be placed on utilizing a response to intervention approach in working with exceptional individuals. The service-learning component of the course will require students to learn about the educational environment by spending time in an elementary classroom, consulting with school staff and addressing the educational needs of students. PSYC 8590.001 TRADITIONAL
ADV CONSULTATN IN PSYC & EDUC (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3319) Educational Support Westside Middle School College of Arts and Sciences, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 10 163 0 0 0 0 The course is designed to provide education and psychology professionals a comprehensive understanding of foundational theories and processes of consultation applied to education and psychology problems of children. A major objective is to focus on developing consultation skills considered necessary to be an effective consultant through direct practice and feedback. The course will emphasize the relationship between the consultant and parents, teachers, and other professionals within the school and child mental health settings. PSYC 9780.001 P-16
CAPSTONE COURSE: 2022-23 (3320) Educational Support Ernie Chambers Foundation College of Arts and Sciences, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 4 65 0 0 0 0 The course provides students with the opportunity to refine their practice of interdisciplinary thinking and its application to the real world; to demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired thus far with the production of a senior project; to produce a rationale for their capstone project and specializations legible to potential employers. INDS 4950.001 TRADITIONAL
POLITICS OF HUMAN RIGHTS (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3321) Educational Support Scholars at Risk College of Arts and Sciences, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 23 374 0 0 0 0 This course introduces students to human rights issues across the globe and explores the theoretical foundations of human rights as well as human rights institutions and transitional justice. (Cross-listed with PSCI 8245) PSCI 3240.850 TRADITIONAL
ADV SYSTEMS ANALYSIS & DESIGN (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3322) Social Justice Department of Defense Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 6 97 0 0 0 0 This course is a systems analysis and design course for systems and business analysts. The course presents an overview of object-oriented system analysis and design. The course will then focus on theory, best practices, and modern methodologies that analysts can use to analyze and design information systems. ISQA 8220.001 TRADITIONAL
STORYTELLING WITH DATA (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3323) Educational Support DoD - Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 6 97 0 0 0 0 This course provides an in-depth study of how to build a compelling story using data for business professionals to make winning arguments, it provides an overview of a number of technologies and research disciplines that enabled the power of data visualization. Data visualization is critical to managing large volumes of data, and can be defined as the science (analytical) and art (design) of manipulating and presenting data for expression and cognitive recognition. Data visualization involves using data in a way that humans can clearly understand, supporting efforts by organization to gain competitive advantage by changing operations, decision-making, and strategic initiatives. This semester students are working on data analysis related to US Defense Service members lost in conflict. ISQA 8750.001 TRADITIONAL
CAPSTONE MGMT INFORMATN SYSTEMS(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3324) Educational Support Marked By Covid Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 18 294 0 0 0 0 The course consists of a student executed Information Systems design project providing an in-depth practical experience. It typically covers system conceptualization, analysis, and design. It may also involve prototyping. The project will typically not include the actual implementation of the system. This course replaces the MS in MIS comprehensive exam requirement. This semester students work on building a web application to keep track of Covid memorials and remembrance across the US. ISQA 8950.001 TRADITIONAL
PROFESSIONAL SELLING (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3325) Educational Support Mutual of Omaha, Northwestern Mutual Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 30 489 0 0 0 0 This course focuses on professional selling and relationship marketing principles and practices. A variety of personal and direct sales techniques, psychology, and application of personal communication theory will be applied. Role-plays and presentations will be utilized to help students learn and execute the sales process model. MKT 3100.003 TRADITIONAL
PROFESSIONAL SELLING-001(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3326) Educational Support Mutual of Omaha, Northwestern Mutual Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 30 489 0 0 0 0 This course focuses on professional selling and relationship marketing principles and practices. A variety of personal and direct sales techniques, psychology, and application of personal communication theory will be applied. Role-plays and presentations will be utilized to help students learn and execute the sales process model. MKT 3100.004 TRADITIONAL
Journalism (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2815) Educational Support American Heart Association, Combined Health Agencies Drive, Nebraska Writers Collective, Omaha Girls Rock Communication, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 25 575 0 0 0 0 Literacy UNO students work with community partners for hands on experience working with real clients in writing. They will make contact, interview, and get immersed in the organizations. Traditional service learning project JMC 3230.001
PROFESSIONAL SELLING -003(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3328) International Service Mutual of Omaha, Northwestern Mutual Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 30 489 0 0 0 0 This course focuses on professional selling and relationship marketing principles and practices. A variety of personal and direct sales techniques, psychology, and application of personal communication theory will be applied. Role-plays and presentations will be utilized to help students learn and execute the sales process model.
PROFESSIONAL SELLING -004(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3329) Educational Support Mutual of Omaha, Northwestern Mutual Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 25 407 0 0 0 0 This course focuses on professional selling and relationship marketing principles and practices. A variety of personal and direct sales techniques, psychology, and application of personal communication theory will be applied. Role-plays and presentations will be utilized to help students learn and execute the sales process model. MKT 3100.850 TRADITIONAL
PROFESSIONAL SELLING -005(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3330) Educational Support Mutual of Omaha, Northwestern Mutual Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 25 407 0 0 0 0 This course focuses on professional selling and relationship marketing principles and practices. A variety of personal and direct sales techniques, psychology, and application of personal communication theory will be applied. Role-plays and presentations will be utilized to help students learn and execute the sales process model. MKT 3100.851 TRADITIONAL
Women Composers (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2817) Educational Support Immanuel Memory Care, Omaha South High School, Omaha Public Schools Music, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 14 392 0 30 60 0 Education The goal of this project is to research female composers and recognize their contribution to piano repertoire and music in general. Students from UNO and South High School learn and perform their music in recognition of their efforts. P-16 service learning project MUS 115L.001, 215L.001, 315L.001, 415L.001, 815L.001
TCHG/ASSESS RDING IN ELEM SCHLS (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3332) Educational Support Omaha Fire Department College of Education, Health, and Human Science, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 28 456 0 0 0 0 This course provides an introduction to reading theories, foundational principles such as phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, effective instructional practices, and reading assessment and evaluation as they relate to improving K-6 student learning. It includes consideration of emergent and content area literacy, and students' learning needs and cultures. This semester, students are working with the Omaha Fire Department to create lesson plans that focus on literacy and fire prevention. TED 335O.001 TRADITIONAL
CHEM IN ENVIRONMENT & SOCIETY(Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3333) Educational Support North High, Omaha Public Schools Chemistry Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 27 440 0 0 0 0 A study of modern society's impact on our environment and the chemistry needed to understand it. The primary focus is the underlying chemistry of the effects of energy production and properties of fuels while including social, political and economic connections. Impacts on air and water quality, climate change, and fossil fuels are discussed. Additional course topics may also include the ozone layer, plastics, medicine and nutrition. (Fall, spring) Fulfills a University General Education Natural/Physical Science Requirement. CHEM 1010.001 P-16
GLOBAL SOURCING AND INNOVATION (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3334) Educational Support Union Pacific, Valmont Industries Inc. Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 33 537 0 0 0 0 This course focuses on global suppliers as partners in the development and commercialization of new products. Students will learn about open innovation and the integration of internal and external business systems in new product innovation. Students will develop an understanding of regulatory policies related to information sharing and the intellectual property rights of buyers and suppliers. (Cross-listed with SCMT 4350) BSAD 8356.850 TRADITIONAL
IND PURCH & LOGIST MGT (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3335) Educational Support Alliance for a Better Omaha, Nebraska Business Development Center, Union Pacific Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 28 456 0 0 0 0 This course will focus on the strategic procurement of products and services in order to gain a competitive advantage through integrated supply management. Students will learn about strategic supply management, contract negotiation, and supplier quality management. Students will develop an understanding of supplier performance management through the use of supply chain information systems. (Cross-listed with MKT 4380, SCMT 4380) BSAD 8386.850 TRADITIONAL
SQL AND DATABASES FOR DATA SCIENCE (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3336) Educational Support National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 22 358 0 0 0 0 Analytics requires data. Within an organization, this data is usually housed in databases. In this class, you will extract data from these systems using Structured Query Language (SQL), programmatically combine multiple datasets, and learn advanced programmatic data cleaning techniques, such as regular expression. ECON 3310.001/ ECON 3310.820 TRADITIONAL
Media Plan and Tactics Capstone Class Learning For All Part 1 (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2824) Educational Support Learning for ALL Communication Community-Based Learning None None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 4 0 0 0 0 0 Raise Awareness LFA worked with a Media Plan and Tactics Capstone Class in spring 2022 that included 4 students. Students worked on media, PR, social media, and fundraising tactics. Students were divided into teams and assigned a local nonprofit client and created a media relations plan and individual tactics. They wrote a media relations plan with specific goals, strategies, objectives, tactics, and deadlines. The plan also included an evaluation component.
Learning For All MSW Evaluation of Programs (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2822) Educational Support Learning for ALL Social Work Community-Based Learning Field Study or Practicum None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Learning For All received evaluation services from graduate social work students through the UNO Grace Abbott School of Social Work MSW Evaluation of Social Programs.
Judy Monoghan Intern (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2827) Health and Wellness NAMI Nebraska Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (CEC) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None 1 0 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building Intern is working with UNO and NAMI to develop an understanding of what mental health programs are currently available to students faculty and staff and then to determine which programs from NAMI would align with the UNO offered options. The student works 10 hours per week with the nonprofit through the paid internship.
NAMI OnCampus ETS Presentation (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2828) Health and Wellness NAMI Nebraska Nami ON Campus Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mental Health Helped students gain a better understanding of mental health and begin conversations about mental health. The conversation led to additional support for students experiencing mental health.
INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3341) Educational Support Omaha Childrens Museum Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 7 114 0 0 0 0 In this class we will examine why firms and industries behave the way that they do. We will explore why some industries face intense competition while others enjoy large profits, why some industries offer only bundles, and why some firms buy up their supply chain when others do not. This theoretical course will illuminate un-theoretical implications to your life and future business ventures. This course will use your economic knowledge, a bit of psychology (behavioral economics) and game theory to answer questions like "Why does everyone hate the cable company?" and "Why are CEOs given so many stock options?" ECON 4210.850/8216.850 TRADITIONAL
TOOLS FOR DATA ANALYSIS (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3342) Educational Support Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center (HRVWCC) Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 27 440 0 0 0 0 The course will cover basic principles of programming languages, as well as libraries useful in collecting, cleaning and analyzing data to answer research questions. The course will utilize basic Economic principles and Econometric methods as inspiration for assignments and projects throughout the duration of the course, and will do so in a way that is accessible to non-Economists. This course is intended to introduce the student to the Python programming language as a tool for conducting data analysis. While the course uses Python, the student should be able to move to other languages frequently used in data analysis using the principles taught in this course. ECON 8320.001
BUSINESS FORECASTING (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (3343) Educational Support Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center (HRVWCC) Business, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Spring 2022-23 None 25 407 0 0 0 0 The course will cover forecasting tools and applications applied to business settings. The first half of the course will cover traditional Econometric forecasting methods and the second half of the course will focus on predictive analytics models and machine learning. Time in the computer lab will be focused on teaching students how to implement the models discussed in lectures. (Cross-listed with BSAD 8080). ECON 8310.850 TRADITIONAL
WhyArts Logo and Branding Redesign (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2830) Educational Support WhyArts MaverickPR Community-Based Learning Other None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 11 0 0 0 0 0 Marketing Whyarts worked with the student run firm, MavPR, and its advisor, to do a redesign of their logo and branding. This was a contract for a fee to the UNO student organization. The new logo in and branding was implemented and in use.
MEDIA WRITING (Summer 2023): 2022-23 (3345) Educational Support Emerging Ladies Academy, Omaha Steaks College of Communications, Fine Arts, and Media, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Summer 2022-23 None 6 21 0 0 0 0 Students will create a feature writing piece on each of the organizations. The professor will select the “winning” article for each business as multiple students will likely write about each business. The articles will be shared with the Omaha Star. All businesses are women-led and predominantly women of color run businesses. These are experienced business owners who have been doing this work for some time. JMC 2100.850 Traditional
MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION (Summer 2023): 2022-23 (3346) Educational Support Caroles House of Hope, Stephen Center College of Communications, Fine Arts, and Media, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Summer 2022-23 None 20 360 0 0 0 0 UNO students helped Lewis and Clarke students edit their reports on what they gathered from each service site they visited without UNO students present. TED 8210.501 Direct
CADRE Conference (Summer 2023): 2022-23 (3347) Educational Support Omaha Public Schools College of Communications, Fine Arts, and Media, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Summer 2022-23 None 34 210 0 0 0 0 The project provides an opportunity for teachers to complete an accelerated master's program while receiving support from UNO faculty, veteran teachers, and other first-year teachers. The program centers around the exchange of knowledge and services between UNO and participating local school districts by placing fully licensed CADRE Teachers in classrooms throughout the participating districts. The CADRE conference is one of the culuminating event for UNO students in the CADRE program to showcase their research. TED 8320.860 and .861 Traditional
HIGH INT: LISTENING SPEAKING: 2022-23 (3348) Educational Support Intercultural Senior Center International Studies Service Learning None None Summer 2022-23 None 16 87 0 0 0 0 The goal for students is to practice their English speaking/listening skills during the ISC's English classes and arts classes with seniors. ILUNO 3695 Traditional
Young History Detectives Summer Camp (Summer 2022): 2022-23 (2836) Educational Support Eastern Nebraska Community Action Partnership UNO Libraries Knowledge and Resource Sharing Mentoring None Summer 2022-23 Summer 2022-23 0 0 0 10 0 7 Youth Programming The young history detectives learned archival research skills, utilized the computer lab, and were able to access the archives, micro film, city directories to aid in their research for their spatial memory project.
2023 February 60 Minutes of Service: 2022-23 (2838) Environmental Stewardship No More Empty Cups Volunteer and Civic Engagement Programs Volunteering None None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 33 33 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building Students made recipe cards for No m=More Empty Pots harvest subscription boxes provided to the community.
GARY SOTO's Writing Workshop and Poetry Reading (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2839) Arts, Culture and Humanities Humanities Nebraska, Nebraska Writers Collective Thompson Learning Community Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Award-winning author, GARY SOTO, will facilitate a creative writing workshop and poetry reading at the University of Nebraska Omaha! There were two parts of this event including a workshop and a poetry reading.
Creative Community Conservation (Summer 2023): 2022-23 (2840) Environmental Stewardship Conservation Nebraska UNO Libraries Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 Summer 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Creative Community Conservation project aims to display a variety of environmentally focused and environmentally conscious works from a plethora of Nebraska artists. Conservation Nebraska protects our state’s natural legacy by educating the public, supporting communities, and increasing civic engagement.
Collaborative Interns Legal Aid of Nebraska: 2022-23 (2841) Social Justice Legal Aid of Nebraska Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Spring 2022-23 None None 2 720 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
NWC Youth Laureate (Spring 2023): 2022-23 (2842) Arts, Culture and Humanities Nebraska Writers Collective Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 0 NWC teamed up with different individuals, including a UNO staff member, to play an active role in their Youth Laureate.
Writers to Writers (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2843) Educational Support Nebraska Writers Collective Writer's Workshop Community-Based Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 20 6 0 0 0 0 The series brings notable area writers to campus to read from their work and to lead students in writing exercises. Writers to Writers is made possible through a cultural enrichment grant of $3,000. There were three events throughout the Fall.
Conservation NE Internship with UNO Student (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2835) Environmental Stewardship Conservation Nebraska Geography & Geology Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 1 128 0 0 0 0 Climate and Sustainability Hosted and supervised a UNO student for a Fall internship. The student worked on research around soil in the city of Omaha. The student also conducted GIS work for the organization to map various aspects of our projects, events, and outreach. The student provided valuable time, outputs, and research for the organization. The UNO student who participated gained valuable skills for the career he is hoping to pursue post-graduation.
Together Cookbook (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2804) Economic Impact Together Inc Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 6 132 0 0 0 1 Education Students in SOWK 1500 team up with Together Inc. to create a cookbook that showcases stories and recipes from the community surrounding 24th street in Omaha. Students practice the social work skills they are learning while interviewing Together Inc. clients for stories and recipes, and while spending time in their Nourish pantry and community garden. Traditional service learning project SOWK 1500.002
Small Group Counseling (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2803) Educational Support Jackson Elementary School, Omaha Public Schools Counseling, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 15 210 0 25 150 0 Mental Health Students in COUN 8740 facilitate small group counseling in multiple different settings across OPS elementary schools and Millard North Middle School. Students practice their small group counseling skills while creating engaging curriculum for their groups and presenting to small groups in the community. P-16 service learning project COUN 8740.001
College and Career Exploration (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2848) Arts, Culture and Humanities UNMC Munroe Meyer Institute Art and Art History, Student Life and Wellbeing Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 6 0 0 0 0 0 Develop./Physical Disability MMI students work with UNO for college and career exploration. There were 37 MMI participants.
DSA 002 (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2805) Educational Support Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 6 132 0 0 0 0 Education Students in SOWK 1500 join the Down Syndrome Alliance of Nebraska to provide their social work skills in a variety of settings including classes for DSA clients such as boxing and improv. Students have the chance to practice their social work skills throughout their interactions with DSA clients as they learn them in class. P-16 service learning project SOWK 1500.002
Advocacy in the Arts Program (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2852) Health and Wellness Millard Public Schools, Omaha Public Schools, Papillion LaVista Community Schools, UNMC Munroe Meyer Institute, Westside School District Art and Art History, Student Life and Wellbeing Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 6 0 0 0 0 0 Develop./Physical Disability MMI and UNO come together every thursday with MMI participants and students in the arts. There were 37 MMI participants.
Completely Kids (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2806) Educational Support Completely Kids Service Learning Academy (SLA), Social Work Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 7 154 0 0 0 0 Education Students in SOWK 1500 join Completely Kids to support their Kelley's Kids reading buddy program as well as supporting additional initiatives at multiple Completely Kids locations within OPS schools. Students have the opportunity to utilize the social work skills they are learning in class to engage with the youth at Completely Kids and help them towards their reading goals. P-16 service learning project SOWK 1500.002
Happiness to Share Section 001 (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2807) Educational Support Bellevue Public Schools, Learning Community Center of South Omaha, Schuyler Central High School Foreign Languages, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 8 184 0 19 228 0 Raise Awareness Students in SPAN 3020 and SPAN 3050 utilize their skills learned in class to work with students at Bellevue East High School and Schuyler Central High School, as well as the Learning Center of South Omaha. They work together to practice Spanish skills, learn about college opportunities, and show the value of collaborating virtually via Padlet. P-16 service learning project SPAN 3020.001
Communication and Leadership (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2800) Educational Support Urban League of Nebraska Engineering and Construction, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 45 450 0 8 8 0 Capacity Building Students enrolled in ENGR 100 (Interpersonal Skills for Engineers) will teach topics related to their coursework to 5th and 6th grade students from the CLC After-School Program at Franklin Elementary School. UNO students are paired off into small teams and each team will get the opportunity to practice their topic presentation one week before they are asked to go to Franklin and work with the elementary students. P-16 service learning project ENGR 100.002
Readers to Leaders (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2808) Educational Support Westside Boys and Girls Club Psychology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 12 192 0 12 168 0 Capacity Building Students in PSYC 4510 utilize their school psychology skills to work with youth in 3rd-5th grade at the Westside Boys and Girls Club on their Readers to Leaders program. Students have the opportunity to practice their skills, while helping the youth improve their reading and comprehension skills. P-16 service learning project
Happiness to Share Section 850 (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2809) Educational Support Bellevue Public Schools, Schuyler Community Schools Foreign Languages, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 24 552 0 19 228 0 Education Students in SPAN 3020 and SPAN 3050 utilize their skills learned in class to work with students at Bellevue East High School and Schuyler Central High School, as well as the Learning Center of South Omaha. They work together to practice Spanish skills, learn about college opportunities, and show the value of collaborating virtually via Padlet. P-16 service learning project
Global Aging (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2810) Educational Support University of Wroclaw, Poland Gerontology, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 10 110 0 0 0 0 Other Aging This course offers USA students and students in Poland the opportunity to work collaboratively to explore and critique literature describing the experience of aging, public and private resources for older adults, and the work, social, and economic contexts of aging and being old in the USA and in Poland within a global framework. Traditional service learning
Introduction to Translation (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2801) Educational Support Field Club Elementary, Omaha Public Schools Foreign Languages, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 25 250 0 0 0 0 Education UNO students will attend parent-teacher conferences at Field Club Elementary to translate when necessary. P-16 service learning project SPAN 4060.850
Waste Not Want Not (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2813) Environmental Stewardship Blackburn Alternative High School, Omaha Public Schools Environmental Studies, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 11 242 0 3 18 0 Climate and Sustainability Students` awareness of composting and zero waste school lunches will be raised during this course. Students will work in groups with Blackburn students to come up with a proposal to give to OPS and UNO staff to expand composting more thoroughly on campus. P-16 service learning project SUST 1000.001
Emergency Management (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2814) Economic Impact Omaha Conservatory of Music Emergency Management and Disaster Science, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 10 200 0 0 0 0 Education UNO students worked with the Omaha Conservatory of Music (OCM) to find out their needs and then drafted an emergency plan proposition for them. They also engaged in an emergency drill exercise on emergency processes that are relevant to the organization based on the plan proposed. Traditional service learning project EMGT 3040.001
Principles of Marketing (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2799) Educational Support Omaha Skills Connection Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 40 560 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building For Omaha Skills Connections, UNO students will provide marketing support (specifically regarding branding, recruiting job seekers, and recruiting employers). Traditional service learning project MKT 3310.820
Band Buddies (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2802) Arts, Culture and Humanities Western Hills Elementary, Omaha Public Schools Music, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 99 594 0 7 35 1 Education Students from Western Hills Elementary School will visit UNO to participate in a variety of music-related experiences. They will observe the UNO Symphonic Wind Ensemble, discuss marching band basics with a UNO student majoring in music education, and be paired up with a member of the UNO marching band to participate in marching band rehearsal. P-16 service learning project MUS 2750.001/3610.001/4160.001
April 2023 60 Minutes of Service: 2022-23 (2919) Environmental Stewardship Conservation Fusion Volunteer and Civic Engagement Programs Volunteering Volunteerism None Spring 2022-23 None 30 29 0 0 0 10 Raise Awareness UNO students are invited to make a difference in their community through 60 Minutes of Service. April's 60 Minutes of Service event celebrates and supports environmental and sustainability focused nonprofit organizations. 40 students attended the event and we had about 10 non UNO students who were part of an OPS Exchange program
Advanced Spanish (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2820) Educational Support Heartland Workers Center Foreign Languages, Service Learning Academy (SLA) Service Learning None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 24 552 0 0 0 0 Education UNO students will gain real-world experience of speaking Spanish while educating the Omaha South community on their right to vote and performing other civic engagements. The aim is to promote civic and election participation in South Omaha and encourage them to vote. Traditional service learning project SPAN 4030.860
Media Plan and Tactics Capstone Class Learning For All Part 2 (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2821) Educational Support Learning for ALL Communication Community-Based Learning Capstone None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 1 0 0 0 0 0 Raise Awareness A UNO student in the Media Plan and Tactics Capstone Class worked with Learning For All on a rebranding project.
Art and Science of Medical Decisions:(Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2958) Educational Support Methodist Hospital Art and Art History Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 None 9 9 0 0 0 0 Arts and Science of medical decisions, co-taught with a methodist head and neck surgeon, gave students the opportunity to attend clinics and operations.
Student Government Mental Health Panel (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2829) Educational Support NAMI Nebraska Student Government Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 Fall 2022-23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Education NAMI shared information about programs available to UNO students. This was part of DeStress Fest event that provided a space for discussion about mental health, self-care, and how to get help.
WhyArts STEM Curriculum Development (Spring 2022): 2022-23 (2833) Educational Support WhyArts STEM Education Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2022-23 Spring 2022-23 10 0 0 0 0 0 They advised on some curriculum artwork (lesson plan booklets) that was associated with some afterschool programing, with the project called NE STEM 4U. The curriculum was used in afterschool programming within 7 area middle schools, and about 10 UNO students facilitated the afterschool programming effort.
NAMI Nebraska UNO Student Life and Wellbeing Staff Board Member (Fall 2022): 2022-23 (2834) Health and Wellness NAMI Nebraska Student Life and Wellbeing Board Memberships None None Fall 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mental Health Leadership from UNO Student Life and Wellbeing serves on the NAMI Nebraska Board.
Collaborative Interns: POC Collaborative 2022-23 (3014) Educational Support POC Collaborative Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 2 540 0 0 0 0 NA UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Collaborative Interns: Kiwanis Club: 2022-23 (3017) Educational Support Kiwanis Club Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 1 360 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Collaborative Interns: 100 Black Men of Omaha: 2022-23 (3018) Educational Support 100 Black Men of Omaha Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 2 720 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Collaborative Interns: James P. Foster Hope Resource Center: 2022-23 (3019) Educational Support James P. Foster Hope Resource Center Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 1 360 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Collaborative Interns: Share Omaha: 2022-23 (3020) Educational Support ShareOmaha Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 2 720 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Collaborative Interns: Project Extra Mile: 2022-23 (3021) Educational Support Project Extra Mile Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 2 720 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Collaborative Interns: House of Afros, Capes, and Curls 2022-23 (3022) Educational Support House of Afros, Capes, and Curls Student Service and Leadership Collaborative (The Collaborative) Community-Based Learning Internship/Externship None Fall 2022-23 None None 2 720 0 0 0 0 Capacity Building, Intern UNO students hired as Collaborative interns are matched with community organizations, working 10 hours a week for that organization in the community. Students are paid through the grant-funded program. Nonprofits coordinate meaningful work for interns to benefit the student experience in different ways. Students typically intern during the fall and spring semesters and may serve the same organization for more than one academic year. Each unique student that works as a Collaborative intern with this specific community partner is identified within this project.
Writer's Block Program: 2022-23 (3023) Educational Support Nebraska Writers Collective MaverickPR Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Fall 2022-23 None 5 11 0 0 0 0 The Nebraska Writers Collective hired MaverickPR in the fall of 2022 to design a new logo for its Writer's Block program. Our5-member graphic design team meet with the client, conducted research and developed creative briefs that offered the rationale behind the design concepts. The NWC team chose Creative director Tristen Menichetti's design. She made revisions and packaged the logo design. By the numbers, five students worked on the project that took 11 hours total—8 in designing and 3 in consulting with the client.
MMI and Omaha Symphony Joint Composition: 2022-23 (3024) Arts, Culture and Humanities Omaha Symphony Munroe Meyers Institue Knowledge and Resource Sharing None None Spring 2022-23 None 0 0 0 0 0 0 We are partnering with the Omaha Symphony on Thursday, April 20th between 12:00 PM and 1:30 PM. We currently have 116 reserved for our usual time/programming. space for a small ensemble playing and students then playing instruments and creating a joint composition. They will bring 4-7 musicians.
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