Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community.

Engagement Type: Engaged Research
Activity Type: Faculty Research
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: Spring
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: 2019-20
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : "Nebraska Center for Justice Research will provide the following services, which each comprise a phase of the entire project: Phase I: Develop a needs assessment: - Gather data on the prevalence of risk factors for juvenile justice system involvement Omaha - For risk factors identified as high priority, identify Omahas gaps in performance compared to similar-sized cities and the corresponding impact on justice system involvement and detention Phase II: Develop a situational analysis, utilizing multiple research methods to answer the following questions: 1. What is the nature and extent of each risk factor? 2. Filtering by individuals, groups, and geographic locations, who experiences this risk factor? 3. What is the history of this risk factor in Omaha and what projections are there about its future? 4. What are the primary and secondary causes of this risk factor in Omaha? 5. Are there known causal pathways (a succession of causes)? 6. What is known regarding efforts at addressing this risk factor in Omaha? 7. Why is this risk factor considered a problem? 8. What is the vicarious impact of this risk factor (e.g. indirect effect on surrounding community members)? 9. Who is currently involved in addressing this risk factor in Omaha? Potential data sources include: U.S. Census data Key informant interviews Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System data Proxy measures co-identified by NCJR and Sherwood Omaha Public Schools data Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice data Other data sources and methods as needed Phase III: Develop a comprehensive investment strategy for The Sherwood Foundation that: - Outlines the outcomes of interest and their relationship to the identified areas of risk - Identifies baseline data to be collected in relation to the ultimate outcomes (even if beyond the direct influence of the strategy) - Clarifies the strategys boundaries while recognizing where the strategy sits in, interacts with, influences, and is influenced by its wider context - Ensures that the strategys outcome chain gives adequate attention to outcomes that are beyond the direct influence of the strategy"
Engagement Type: Engaged Research
Activity Type: Faculty Research
Start Semester: Summer
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2016-17
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: Summer
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: 2018-19
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : The purpose of this project is to evaluate the Vocational and Life Skills program for the Nebraska Departnent of Corrections.
Engagement Type: Engaged Research
Activity Type: Faculty Research
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2018-19
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: 2021-22
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Assesment of operations
Engagement Type: Engaged Research
Activity Type: Faculty Research
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2019-20
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: Summer
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: 2019-20
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Human Rights & Trafficking, Domestic and Sexual Violence

Description : To develop statewide estimates of known victims and individuals at risk of human trafficking in Ohio.Methods. We collected information from 12 state and local sources including child welfare, legal services, and law enforcement data. We collected the data from agency records dating 2013 to 2018. However, the majority of data were from calendar years 2014, 2015, and 2016 (roughly 95% across individual and aggregate sources). We used probabilistic matching to estimate victim and at-risk cases-accounting for duplicates.Results. According to available data, there were 1032 known victims during the study time frame. We identified approximately 4209 at-risk individuals based on youths presenting with common risk factors for trafficking victimization.Conclusions. Estimating the prevalence of human trafficking is an important public health research priority. As the first "cataloging" of existing record systems in Ohio to our knowledge, this study provided a comprehensive overview of the number of victims and the type of information that is available in the state. This study highlights the importance of moving toward the use of epidemiological approaches to measure the prevalence of human trafficking.
Engagement Type: Engaged Research
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2019-20
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Dr. Hobbs is currently collaborating with Dr. Ganapathy Narayanan, National University of Signapore Associate Dean, on research examining best practices for effective reentry after participation in a treatment or after being detained in the juvenile of criminal justice system. Singapore’s national reentry initiative, the Yellow Ribbon Project (YRP), offers a unique environment to study the factors that contribute to effective prisoner reentry. In a 13-year period, Singapore reduced the prison recidivism rate from 44.4 percent to 27.4 percent (Narayanan and Fee 2015), an unheard of level of improvement in recidivism rates. Singapore appears to have made a dramatic impact in its recidivism rates by calling the entire community to action, instead of relying on a handful of agencies to work with prisoners re-entering society.
Engagement Type: Engaged Research
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2018-19
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Juvenile/Adult Justice System

Description : After a visit to Singapore in 2018, Dr. Hobbs began collaborating with Arti Mohan, an attorney using restorative abuse to end domestic abuse in India. CJS works with people impacted by sexual abuse and other forms of violence in India. CJS strives to promote access to justice systems that repair harm, empower the vulnerable and reconcile broken relationships, keeping each survivor’s needs central to the process.
Engagement Type: Engaged Research
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2019-20
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Juvenile/Adult Justice System

Description : Dr. Hobbs is a member of the Advisory Board for Lutheran Community Care Services (LCCS), based in Singapore. She and Monica Miles-Steffens presented at a conference in Singapore on the use of restorative practices in the U.S. juvenile justice system. Recently, LCCS was a collaborative partner on a Race Equity 2030 proposal.
Engagement Type: Engaged Research
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Summer
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Juvenile/Adult Justice System

Description : Dr. Hobbs and Monica Miles-Steffens facilitated a dialogue with 160 youth from 43 nations to develop culturally responsive approaches to address juvenile delinquency in July 2017. This intriguing event led to multiple opportunities for collaboration with professional and researchers from other countries.
Engagement Type: Engaged Research
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2018-19
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Juvenile/Adult Justice System

Description : After a visit to Singapore in 2018, Dr. Hobbs began collaborating with Dr. Cecelia Minkyung Ha, an Assistant Professor in the School of Law and Department of Addiction Studies at the Catholic University of Korea, in support of “Brain Korea 21” (BK21). The collaborative proposal enhances the educational options for students, increases research partnerships, and exchange opportunities for both UNO and Korea’s School of Law and Addiction Studies.
Engagement Type: Board Memberships
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2021-22
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : Dr. Deepak Khazanchi serves on the board of directors
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