Engagement Type:
Engaged Research
Activity Type:
Start Semester: Summer
Total UNO Students: 1
Start Academic Year: 2018-19
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year:
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants:
Transportation, Capacity Building, Juvenile/Adult Justice System
Description :
The purpose of this work plan is to assess the outcomes of the Misdemeanor Diversion Program of the National Safety Council, Nebraska. The evaluation question to be answered is: To what degree does the National Safety Council, Nebraskas diversion program reduce recidivism? This study will compare recidivism outcomes for three groups: 1) individuals who completed the diversion program; 2) individuals who started but did not complete the diversion program; and 3) individuals who did not participate in the diversion program. The diversion program is a voluntary program that offers a one-time chance for a person charged with certain crimes to avoid having a criminal conviction on their record. Participants pay an enrollment fee, complete community service, and complete a class. The results of this study will aid the Misdemeanor Diversion Program (MDP) in continuing, improving, and marketing their program.