Projects Report

This report shows the various collaborative projects between UNO and the community.

Engagement Type: Knowledge and Resource Sharing
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Capacity Building

Description :
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Spring
Total UNO Students: 11
Start Academic Year: 2016-17
UNO Student Hours: 220
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description :
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 15
Start Academic Year: 2021-22
UNO Student Hours: 195
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0

Description : UNO Students from Casey Riesberg's CMST 2410 Small Groups course will partner with a local community agency from Share Omaha to develop a social media campaign to bolster their Share Omaha fundraising efforts.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 15
Start Academic Year: 2021-22
UNO Student Hours: 52
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Capacity Building

Description : UNO Students from CMST 1110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking courses will engage in the student philanthropy model of service learning, where course content and student learning is linked to charitable giving. Students select and research a community agency of their own interest, then develop and present a persuasive speech and call to action on behalf of the organization. This is a student led initiative, giving students a $1,000 grant to distribute to one community agency - the persuasive speech presentation with the best call to action.
Engagement Type: Knowledge and Resource Sharing
Activity Type: None
Start Semester: Summer
Total UNO Students: 0
Start Academic Year: 2017-18
UNO Student Hours: 0
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Capacity Building

Description :
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 24
Start Academic Year: 2021-22
UNO Student Hours: 84
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Capacity Building

Description : UNO Students from CMST 1110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking courses will engage in the student philanthropy model of service learning, where course content and student learning is linked to charitable giving. Students select and research a community agency of their own interest, then develop and present a persuasive speech and call to action on behalf of the organization. This is a student led initiative, giving students a $1,000 grant to distribute to one community agency - the persuasive speech presentation with the best call to action.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 23
Start Academic Year: 2021-22
UNO Student Hours: 80
End Semester:
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Capacity Building

Description : UNO Students from Casey Reisberg's course CMST 1110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking courses will engage in the student philanthropy model of service learning, where course content and student learning is linked to charitable giving. Students select and research a community agency of their own interest, then develop and present a persuasive speech and call to action on behalf of the organization. This is a student led initiative, giving students a $1,000 grant to distribute to one community agency - the persuasive speech presentation with the best call to action.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 24
Start Academic Year: 2021-22
UNO Student Hours: 84
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Capacity Building

Description : UNO Students from Casey Reisberg's course CMST 1110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking courses will engage in the student philanthropy model of service learning, where course content and student learning is linked to charitable giving. Students select and research a community agency of their own interest, then develop and present a persuasive speech and call to action on behalf of the organization. This is a student led initiative, giving students a $1,000 grant to distribute to one community agency - the persuasive speech presentation with the best call to action.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 24
Start Academic Year: 2021-22
UNO Student Hours: 84
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Capacity Building

Description : UNO Students from Casey Reisber's course CMST 1110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking courses will engage in the student philanthropy model of service learning, where course content and student learning is linked to charitable giving. Students select and research a community agency of their own interest, then develop and present a persuasive speech and call to action on behalf of the organization. This is a student led initiative, giving students a $1,000 grant to distribute to one community agency - the persuasive speech presentation with the best call to action.
Engagement Type: Service Learning
Activity Type: Course
Start Semester: Fall
Total UNO Students: 24
Start Academic Year: 2021-22
UNO Student Hours: 84
End Semester: None
Total K-12 Students: 0
End Academic Year: None
K-12 Student Hours: 0
Total Number of Other Participants: 0
Topics: Capacity Building

Description : UNO Students from Casey Reisberg's course CMST 1110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking courses will engage in the student philanthropy model of service learning, where course content and student learning is linked to charitable giving. Students select and research a community agency of their own interest, then develop and present a persuasive speech and call to action on behalf of the organization. This is a student led initiative, giving students a $1,000 grant to distribute to one community agency - the persuasive speech presentation with the best call to action.
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